
Anyone else notice lack of flavor with Kelloggs cereal lately?

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I recently bought Apple Jacks, Cocoa Crispies & Special K Vanilla Almond cereal. I was surprised when I opened the box of Apple Jacks there was no apple smell like there used to be. Then I ate some. There was NO FLAVOR at all! Same with the other 2 cereals. Maybe they're cutting costs by leaving the flavors out?




  1. I was wondering the same thing!!  I had some corn flakes, and I had to add some raisins because it was so bland.  

    And I bought a new box of that Special K with chocolate bits in it, because I liked it before, and this time I hated it and I thought the chocolate tasted nasty and waxy.  What is going on?  How weird.  What a stupid move on their part.  The taste is the whole point of their product.  I'm obviously not going to buy it any more, so they've just lost any future sales from me at like $4 a pop, so any penny pinching they did was wasted.  

  2. Yup - my husband loves applejacks and the last box we just bought was stale!!! We returned it to the store asap and got the store-brand type and they were delicious!

  3. I KNOW! it's really annoying because i love apple jacks but everythings so expensive these days i bet they have to

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