
Anyone else noticing that there were more hot women shown at democratic convention?

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bunch of hags on this week...




  1. That is because it is the young persons time to get into changing the world instead of the usual older war mongrels.  

    Go Obama!

  2. LOL, yeah you wish!!! McCains wife was hotter than any of the Democrat women I saw- and then you can add Palin???  d**n, maybe I will vote like the idiot Democrats do- maybe I will vote for looks!

    Its really funny how ridiculous people can be when talking politics.  I dont consider myself a Republican OR a Democrat and I find myself defending BOTH parties against the idiots that use propaganda instead of facts for their voting reasoning.

    I find myself arguing with Democrats a lot more, because even though there are Republican idiots too that like to talk trash that is absolutely irrelevant or untrue about Democrats, there always seems to be FAR more Democrats talking ignorant non-sense about Republicans.

    For instance, I just saw where someone said that if mud slinging always comes back to slap you in the face, that republicans would be hurting bad, for all the mud they have slung at Obama!  I cant help but cringe at the overwhelming amount of ignorant people this country has produced- when the truth is- if ANYONE gets the karmic paybacks- it will be a fellow Democrat!  It is funny how short people's memories are, because almost ALL of the mud slinging that has been said about Obama, was propagated by the Clintons!  All of the lies that Obama is a muslim, and how he isnt prepared to be president- that came from the Clintons during the Primaries.

    Here is a little look at how HONEST Democrats are;  Your beloved Clintons said over and over how Obama was too inexperienced to be the Prez- yet just the other day, Bill Clinton said that he believes that Obama is prepared and the best man for the job!!  My, how soon you Democrats forget!  Thats what happens when you lie a lot- it is hard to keep your stories straight.

    Thats why you perceive that all the mud slinging must be coming from the Republicans.  Could it be that Democrats only expect us to believe the lies if it will HELP a Democrat, but not if they backfire?

    Dont get me wrong, I cant stand the neo-con Republicans either- but it is abundantly clear that, of the two parties, the more intelligent people tend to vote Republican.  (oh yeah, the polls have already shown that!)

    It is too bad that the MOST intelligent people dont have a party that has the monopoly that these two parties have.

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