
Anyone else on here having a difficult time in Recovery for a eating disorder?

by Guest61257  |  earlier

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Im slipping in to my old habbits of my eating disorder, and im totally disgusted with the weight i gain from my eating disorder..does anyone else feel like this and how are they coping..i see a therapist[2xa week] and take medication but im still struggling to the point where i want to purge..even though i have anorexia




  1. eating disorders are notoriously difficult to recover from, especially the longer you have had it.

    a different medication or therapist may help. Be perfectly honest with your therapist too, or they won't be able to help you.

    Inpatient treatment may be useful as well.

  2. i follow the steps of a british show i see here in PA.  eat when your hungry and stop when your not or when your full, don't over eat and you should be find.  if you have anorexia then you most likely will gain weight but not too much.   don't just not eat or eat too little, you don't get enough nourishment.  you should eat healthy  and you'll be fine.   it's not like people are going to judge you in today's culture people can be huge  or too skinny and they are the ones being judged as long as your in the middle you'll be fine.

  3. Spend more time helping others.  Volunteer at homeless soup kitchens and shelters.  Fill your plate with giving so you have less time to think about whatever it is that is making you feel you are not good enough, or small enough, or pretty enough.  

  4. FIRST THING: I want to say this will hit pretty hard as it wont necessarily be what you want to hear.  Sorry in advance, but I mean the best.  You can honestly stop reading here if you dont want to get better.

    The weight your putting on is healthy muscle tissue and it weighs more than fat.  The sad truth is you lost all your weight with healthy muscle tissue and you DIDNT LOSE ANY FAT.  You are skinny-fat. You might even have permanently damaged your heart!  The malnutrition also puts you into a "tunnel vision" mode of thinking where you cant or want to comprehend whats going on outside your field of control and you easily get frustrated/angry/hostile/depressed.  When you dont eat enough fats you damage your major nerve myelin sheaths.  Guess what?  They wont repair because your not getting what you need from food. Get yourself back to healthy weight so you can reverse the damage done and so you may exercise and meal plan THE RIGHT WAY.  look at this pic in the link below if you dont believe me.

    Anorexics purge with exercise and strictly control their food intake.  Its a form of a control issue.  Its also highly correlated to obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).  Find out what things are TRULY stressing you out or making you feel out of control.  make a list, and then bring it with you to your psychiatric appointment.  If anything is regarding family members, make sure they are not there at that meeting the first time around.  you might need a dosing evaluation.  but you HAVE TO SHOW THE DOC all your problems WILLINGLY for him/her to help.  You also have to be able to be patient and try new things, which is hard because anorexics have ridiculous rituals.  Eat more food and it will make sense I promise.

    If you made it this far, I applaud you.  You may either hate me or you see the light.  but its about you bud, take care of yourself.  best of luck.

  5. This is the most difficult thing in the world to get over.

    You need to sit down with yourself.. and write down all the things you don't like about your body.  Then make another list of what you love about your life.

    If you really think about it, when you are starving yourself you are not giving your body what it needs to survive.  This means that the things you love about your life are not worth it enough to stay healthy.  I have been in this position, and it is really REALLY hard to get over.

    I woke up one day and realized that I should have enough love for myself to stay healthy.  I decided to take everything I didn't like about my body and fix it in a good way- running, swimming, arm exercises.  

    Trust me when I say that if you can build up your confidence in yourself, then you can be happy with who you are.  YOU are perfect, and the truth is that you deserve to be happy with yourself.  s***w what other people think about you... just make yourself happy

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