
Anyone else out there have a child who suffers from trickotillomania ( hair pullers)?

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my 4 year old daughter pulls her hair out until shes bald! any ideas would be greatly appriciated, she wont wear a hat to school or a wig , and kids make fun of her!




  1. i knew a little boy who used to pull his hair out and then eat it...his mom ended up having to keep his head shaved to make him stop...that would be harder for you to do considering that you have a girl...this little boy eventually grew out of it, but i think that he was also on medication and was seeing a specialist...if she wont wear a hat or a wig, does it even bother her that that the other kids make fun of her? do you see a doctor for her condition? what does she think when she sees herself in the mirror? maybe you could try some sort of extentions or a weave...that might be harder (and more painful) for her to pull out...i really feel for you and hope that you can make some light of this...good luck! here are some sites that i found that may give you a few answers...

    hope this helps =)

  2. I am 15 and I have it. I also have OCD and high anxiety. Fortunately I have been prescribed Adderal and Effexor. I have learned to manage the anxiety but have been prescribed Xanax just incase I get really stressed.  I havent had a major pulling episode in about 7 years.  I used to pull until I had bald spots.  The drugs were really the only things that helped but they didnt work right away.  I kept having to go back and get medicine adjustments.  Now I just go back to the neurologist every 6 months and she asks if I`m still OK on my current medicines.  

    I have been to therapy and was shown pictures of the bald spots.  To be honest it just made it worse.  It stressed me out more which resulted in more pulling.  Somebody that pulls hair literally cannot stop on their own.  

    Schedule an appointment with a neurologist to get your daughter evaluated.  The doctor will discuss the options with you.  

    You can email me if you have any questions.

  3. hi i am a mother of a child who has anxiety and ocd ( the therapists call is Pandas. we have the very same problem. my youngest pulls her hair out.  when this all started mommy was in complete denial. i would try and figure out a to cover it up i tried everything and she had beautiful long hair.  it was to the point that wherever she sat (home or school) wed all find balls of hair. the teachers were concerned her dad and i were concerned so i finally broke down and talk to her docter about it.  the docter set me up with a child counsler first to decide what steps we should take.  then the counselor set me up with the actual therapist in the office and we went to see him and told him all the symptoms, the agony everyone especially her were going thru. so he talked about putting her on this medication and/or that medication ( honestly i didnt want my child to be put on meds but  if this was the only way to help my baby i was willing to try.) so after 5 long months i can see a total difference and am finally getting my baby back. she was diagnosed with this and was put on 50 mg of zoloft and for her anxiety meltdowns he has her on 5 mg of  abilify. she still has epsiodes and if shes made she will automatically start on her hair but we deal with it when it happens.  if u need to talk or even vent cause i diffantely know what ur going thru give me an email and i will try and help u with ur questions fustrations or whatever.

  4. I studied a little bit about that in my masters school, unfortunately I am no expert. there are psychologists who could help probably. I am sorry I could not be more help but be patient with her because it is a recognized illness. of course it sounds like you are so good for you, and good luck to you and your child. it is my understanding that they usually grow out of it like kids who eat wierd things or have bladder control problems.

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