
Anyone else raise rabbits?

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I keep getting strange looks from people when I tell them I raise and SHOW rabbits... they just think it's impossibly weird. And they can't fathom the idea that there are lots of people who raise rabbits... anybody on here care to share if they raise rabbits? If so, I think it'd be cool if you said what kind you raised!




  1. You're just as weird as those who love and show quality cats, dogs, poultry, horses, sheep, goats, alpacas, etc. that conform to the Standard of Perfection of those species and their different breeds.

    It ususally helps when you explain that is is exactly like showing dogs and cats.  When I tell people that the ARBA is the AKC of the rabbit world and that there are 47 recognized breeds in the U.S., 11 of which are rare or in  danger of becoming extinct, I usually see a light bulb go on in their heads and they are suddenly fascinated.

    I raise and show Jersey Wooly rabbits year round with my sons.  We are Wonder Woolies.  I am going to the ARBA convention in Kentucky this year.  I am excited about competing against the best in the U.S., Canada, and Japan.  Very cool.

  2. i used to raise rabbits.. i have tryed recently but the heat we have had is awful and lost are rabbits

  3. My daughter and I raise Mini Rex and some New Zealands.  She is trying to get a herd of angora started because I spin.  We are heavy into 4-H and she is now a fair rabbit judge.

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