
Anyone else recognize their answers here?

by  |  earlier

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This was sent to me in a grouplist that I belong to. I thought I recognized some of the info. Turns out, I wrote a good chunk of it! Should I start copyrighting my answers now?




  1. Yes, I saw several of my answers!!!  I don't know if Yahoo has a problem with this or not.  I think when I post on an anonymous forum I assume that my writing is free for the taking, LOL.  However, Yahoo might feel differently about a Google site taking their postings.

    Well I am editing my answer, I didn't realize that they claimed copy right.  I wouldn't have as much problem with someone just sharing my answers with someone else, but as professional writer I am appalled that they would claim copyright on something that was first submitted to another site.

  2. After looking at it I'm thinking the same as Glurpy.      They don't take questions and they don't accept answers so how are they getting their info??  From here.

    And then they copyright it?  Doesn't quite work that way I'm thinking.

    Edit:  I just found some of my answers on there.   I wonder who runs it and why they feel the need to copy?   Sort of like kids cheating on their final exams.  *grin*

  3. Actually, your answers are protected by copyright. It seems, though, that the website is really just a 'cache' of sorts for Yahoo Answers. They've programmed it to collect questions and answers from here, I believe.

  4. Anything you write is copyrighted as soon as you write it.  If you want to fight them now, you can.

    It's pretty annoying to think that you can post something here and have it end up on another site.  

    Thanks for the warning :D

  5. if you feel the need to!

  6. Yep...I found several call names in there, including glurpy and Earl D.  Found several of my own answers in there too...sheesh.

    The site categories are also exactly the same as Y!A as well...hmmm.

    Edit:  I just emailed them on the "Contact Us" link, here's the response I got...

    This Message was undeliverable due to the following reason:

    Each of the following recipients was rejected by a remote mail server.

    The reasons given by the server are included to help you determine why

    each recipient was rejected.

        Recipient: <>

        Reason:    5.1.1 No such user 10si3672371wrl

    Please reply to <Postmaster@(deleted)>

    if you feel this message to be in error.

    Nice.  The email doesn't even exist.

  7. Strange - it looks like the entire education section is copied there. I wonder what the purpose of that is?

  8. I just went to and found that my questions and answers were there.   Is there really anything we can do about it?

  9. yes copyrite them

  10. Oh, my!  Yes!  My answers are there word for word!

    Just because it is on the web doesn't mean that it's a free for all... this is a copyrighted forum (see the copyright notice at the bottom. )  I am contacting Yahoo.. 1st,  I think they might have a bigger fight in this issue. 2nd, it they skim for material, they most likely won't be above skimming emails for spam either.

    This website is owned by someone outside of the U.S. and most likely will ignore your emails (my theory anyway!).. but the hosting company probably won't... Contact them... and let them know that copyrighted material is being siphoned from "Yahoo Answers"... I do believe they will sit up fairly quickly and shut him down.

    Update: To I wanted to make you aware of a problem that has developed on a website hosted by your company. The website,, is harvesting and stealing material from Yahoo Answers. They are posting it on the website claiming it to be their own. I know that more than one was personally my response on Yahoo answers.

    Do homeschool groups pay for outside tutors?;...

    The email address on the website is not valid.

    I have contacted Yahoo about the copyright infringement. I hope you will shut down this site although you might want to keep the information so you can cooperate in case Yahoo decides to prosecute.

    Tuesday update: I did receive a response from the hosting company to look into it.  We will see what happens from there.  

    I also received a message from Yahoo.. they are looking into the situation..  I have a feeling it will be dealt with shortly.


  11. excellent catch! I haven't found MY answers there, but I'm positive I recognize a lot of what's there.

    I just wrote to ask if they plan to use their copywrite of material stolen from yahoo to sue us if we should reproduce our own answers elsewhere.

    they say on their terms of use page:

    "All questions and responses are provided by community members like you."

    and yet there's no where on their site to submit either questions or answers. and their category list to the right exactly matches that of YA.

  12. I went to the link you provided, and low, and behold I found some of my answers posted word for word; some had their call names mentioned but most posts were without any call names being mentioned.

    It is my understanding that anything written, and you sign of with your name/call name is copy written, so any answers should be automatically copy written unless we have missed something, and we forfeit that by submitting the answers on this site.

    If you'd like to contact the site, and find out for sure,  you can do so by sending an e-mail to:

    The e-mail can read something like this:

    To Whom it may concern.

    I recently was alerted that answers we submitted to questions on the home school forum of Yahoo questions and answers, were being posted on your site/blog.

    The web site claims copy right, could you please explain to me how the site can claim copy right on material that was not submitted for use to the site by the original authors?


    I would be curious to hear what their response would be.

    We all may learn something new.

  13. Wow I found at least 5 of my answers there and even a question or two! You know I say let them have it after all it can only help those who stumble on to their site to get answers to the questions they have! may be we should start referring them here when we answer a  question so that they can ask us specifically! Just type in at the end of your answer any more questions please come to y!a seeing as how they don't edit what we write!

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