
Anyone else seen the "Flight 93: Cell Call Exposed 9/11" video on youtube which proves 911 was a set up/fake?

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  1. Creepy. I always have to take a deep breath after seeing something like that as I just did before typing.

    Particularly disturbing was the comment that the Gitmo lawyers stated that the plane was shot down...or maybe that was in another of the response videos I watched afterwards...must check out.

    100,000's of people in the defense industry are quite aware that NORAD knows where every plane in the US airspace is and that was the repeating thought of mine all day of 9/11...still is when I think of it.

    Every nuclear aircraft carrier has the same potential ability through satellite feeds. Beats me how anyone that knows of these capabilities can find themselves believing one word of the official story after they acknowledge that fact. Military personnel and contractors alike know this to be true...


  2. Please answer this......were all the funerals and the grieving relatives also fake??????? you need to get something worthwhile to do with your time. like a job

  3. I think it was staged. I was always a firm believer that this was planned way before it happend. So many people who helped design the World Trade Center have said that it cant be taken down easily by planes hitting it. So many people believe that there was explosives hidden inside the building before impact so that it would appear that the plane did a extensive amount of damage to it, when really it was no where near taking it down. And lets not forget that she made a call while she was on the plane. There is no way your getting good cell phone reception on a plane if not any, so how was she able to call her husband? This is proof that the plane was empty before it took off. If the plane had people on it, they would have found some remains of people, but for some reason they found none.

    Now, the theory about it being taken down bet a jet fighter is still in the shadows. If it was taken down then they would have done it high above the ground because people would have seen it and reported back on it, but there have been no reports.

    I believe that 911 was planned to give the republicans a reason to start war with another country so that they could pump oil.

  4. Anyone who believes this need psychiatric help and the condemnation of the world for ridiculing and dishonoring the dead!!!

  5. That clip definitely makes you think. It is interesting but it doesn’t prove anything unfortunately.

    If we are ever to see an end to the continued exploitation of 9/11 for war and dismantling of the Constitution, I believe it more fruitful to focus on the evidence that can be proven, such as the evidence for complicity and the evidence for cover-up.

    For starters, I recommend this taped speech of Mike Ruppert

    and some compilations of some of the evidence of foreknowledge and complicity

    To learn more about the grand cover-up known as the 9/11 Commission, watch David Ray Griffin's speeches:-

    To assist with dissecting the official conspiracy theory documented in the 9/11 Commission Report, use the report mirror at "911 Research" site. The mirror addresses the problem that the official report online is not presented in a way easy to evaluate (hmm). The mirror ties it all together with hyperlinks and commentary to note contradictions and omissions.

    Main page -

    Report Mirror -

    Even some 9/11 Commissioners have spoken publicly about obstruction to their investigation. Surprisingly, that story was covered by main stream media (a rarity for anything that questions the official account of 9/11). See:-

    The Families of victims of 9/11 documented their frustrations with the 9/11 Commission in their film:-

    If you are interested in learning more about potential geopolitical motivations for 9/11, I recommend Mike Ruppert's 2 hour documentary about geopolitics, peak oil, corruption and criminality in government, evidence of foreknowledge of 9/11 and exploitation of 9/11:-

    The Truth & Lies Of 9/11

    For some well-sourced reading about flight 93, try this web site.

    9 1 1    R E S E A R C H

  6. Yeah, I saw the video.

    Give me something to show me when the tape was recorded otherwise you got bupkus. People will go to any lengths to prove a point, even a bad one.

    Something of the magnitude of 9-11 requires a lot of planning, a lot of people being involved. Why hasn't someone come forward with the "real story?" If the story on YouTube had any authenticity I'm sure the story would show up elsewhere.

  7. I know from experience that cell phones DO work in mid flight.  Some companies do and some don't depending on where you are.

    I don't think this video is any proof that Flight 93 was fake.  Lots of people stay calm in crisis, lots of people encourage each other.  To speculate anything from this one phone call is really reaching and I'm one who does believe that the public is being kept in the dark about what really happened.  Even I think you are stretching to the point of breaking your philosophy.

    In addition, I've seen entire houses burned with only one book or suit case coming out looking totally untouched.  Stories like this are especially repeated when that book is a bible or some religious icon.  However, any piece of paper or combustible material can escape when even metal is melted.  It is hard to explain but it does happen.  Once I saw a house completely destroyed by fire, wind and flood and one child's old and recognized toy was so totally intact it looked like it was brand new from the store.  Sometimes there is no explaining but it has happened time after time.

    Finding pieces of paper intact is no proof of anything.  Mysteries happen.

    And yet...I know 9/11 was not only a Moslem terriorist attack.  There is something more to it than we are being told.  I am certain the entire thing is for nothing more than a fight for energy and fuel.

  8. This is just one  of MANY smoking guns

    ...  The fact that BUSH & CHENEY

    refused to give public statements but had to hide in secret to talk to the 9/11 {white wash job} commission.

    Give me a break, it was a FALSE FLAG OPERATION

  9. Any one at any time could have made a message like this one... it proves nothing unless you want to believe everything or maybe I should say anything.

  10. You know that if you look at youtube you'll also be able to find that JFK,Elvis and Hitler are all still alive!! That UFO,S Bigfoot,And Santa Claus are real things and people!! If you want to believe everything you see on youtube I have a bridge in San Francisco I'll sell you really Cheap!!!

  11. 'You did great' The reassuring words of another passenger well aware of the danger they were all in.

    She's a wife and a mother and a brave woman who did not want to add to her families pain by showing how truly scared she was.

    The hijackers probably told the pilots to announce to the passengers what happened to the twin towers.

    I believe Bush sat back and allowed 9/11 to happen.This video just adds to the pain of that woman's family.It clearly was not a fake or set up.

  12. If you believe anything you see on Youtube your avatar is well chosen.  Anyone could have made it up and posted it.

  13. then how do you explain the "ding" of the bell you hear in the background of the call that is made by the stewards or pilot announcing something?

    the "you did great" was probably the passenger next to her trying to be reassuring after she called her family for the last time.

    lots of people's voices don't show emotion if they've just had a great shock, as this woman obviously had.

    and the reason cell phones aren't supposed to be used on planes is because the interfere with the signals the pilot gets, and in this situation the pilot's signals wouldn't matter anymore. the plane phones can also sometimes register as cells on caller i.d.

    as far as the "shot down" thing goes, that's probably just a way of saying that the people on the plane "shot down" the chance to crash into washington.

    her stuff could've survived easily, especially if it was caught in an air pocket or something.

    lastly, why would the government try to keep something like that from us? it's totally random that ONE empty plane would be up there. plus, the government's popularity was already low enough by then that they would've done anything to say "well, one plane was empty". but still, how is one group being shot any better than one group crashing?

  14. First time I saw it and don't believe you can make a cell call from a plane.

    As far as finding her license, they did same thing with Attas passport from tower 1. survived through flames that melted steel. Yea Right.

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