
Anyone else sick of Bono's S**t?

by  |  earlier

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I mean he gives out to the Irish Government for not giving more of hard working Irish people's taxes as aid to the 3rd world.

Taxes he isn't even paying towards himself.......... he moved his residence to evade taxes.

He's got millions so if he is sooooooooo worried about the 3rd world why doesn't he donate his money??????????




  1. Right on.

    I gotta tell ya----as an American, I'm sick to death of him coming around here with his hand out.    Yeah, Africa's got starving, homeless, AIDS-ridden people, well guess what Bono?   We got the same thing here, PLUS we're stuck paying for the Bushtard's war.    

    Most of us can barely keep our heads above water, and Bono wants us to dig deeper in our pockets for HIS causes?    I don't think so.

    And to the lady who lost respect for him after he accepted knighthood---you GO girl! :)

  2. yippee someone who thinks as i do  bono the gith bino i should say and he cant sing either and wont admit he is from finglas the Muppet and taking a knighthood the 2 faced bugger

  3. haha. He annoys the h**l out of me. Bob is a better ambassador for that kind of thing.

  4. Bono is really irritating.  Like you said, he's filthy rich himself, plus he's a tax dodger.  Then he has the nerve to preach to everyone about poverty etc.  He's a good musician, but so up his own @ss

  5. He is just another rock/pop star who thinks he is a politician.........dont they just pisss you off...............

  6. very good point ,yes he did move to evade tax....sure arent all these superstars all the same...............and you would think seeing as bono is always going on about how proud he is to be irish and all that ,that he would take a walk down dublins streets and see all our homeless( irish homeless) and give a few of his millions to them or to our hosptails which are an utter mess what we have left of them..........

  7. Bono lost all my respect the day he accepted that knighthood bollox from the English Queen. I've no respect for someone that calls themselves Irish and then turns around and basically spits on what this country fought for and all those martyrs who died for Ireland and its cause. He sickens me.

  8. Amen brother. I personally think that Bono is a pure example of an Irish t*t. He talks the biggest load of bollox if you ask me. I do understand that hes raised the profile of Africa blah blah blah blah, but instead of preaching he should show people the way by his actions, not by his gob. I have much more respect for Bob Geldof, there's a man who is determined to make a change

  9. He has donated his money... and his time and his efforts.  Bono has spent countless hours in Africa... not in a hotel, mind you but in a makeshift hut in the middle of the famine getting first-hand knowledge.  He's rallied politicians behind his campaign, as well as Bill Gates and many others.  He has selflessly dedicated himself to this cause when he really could have just been a rock star and counted his money.

    But because some s**+thead with nothing better to do than to ***** about someone else's good deed thinks he's a tosser we should all curse him for trying to change the world.

    I can't stand people like you.  What have you done to stop it?  What have you ever done for anyone but yourself?

  10. I agree Bono is a t*t.I think I asked a question like this before and upset a lot peeps.

  11. Finally I'm not alone in thinking that bono's anoying.

    He gives a lecture to everyone and relocate in the Nederlands to avoid paying taxes...

    He should come to his senses and realise he's not Jesus reincarnated. He got away with a lot in ireland because I guess U2 was the only thing Ireland had in the past.

    But nowadays he's just plain anoying.

  12. I'M on the fence on this one!!!!! Yes Bono has loads of money and has moved it oversees to avoid paying taxes. If I had his money I would move it to. No way would I want to pay over 42% on my money.

    I do feel that as a well known world figure he has an obligation to try and raise money for the less fortunate but I also believe he would get better results if he started in Ireland and the moved on to Africa. I am not to sure how much money Bono has given but I am sure he has (for tax reasons) but lets face it you do not always have to give money. You can help by giving your time to mentor a child,paint a school teach children and help out at a hospital. At the end of the day we all contribute something as long as you give it from the heart..........well then.its priceless

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