
Anyone else sick of Yahoo! posting mostly Obama praising news?

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Yahoo! might as well just post a big message at the top saying "We are in the tank for Obama and will provide the orgy of news stories praising him. Oh and if you are voting for McCain...Well you're an idiot because he's never going to win. I mean Obama! C'Mon! Man! OOOOBBAAAAMMAAA! Oh god! Oh god! Ohhhhhhh OhhhhhhhhOhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

That's what they should just post at the top of their page.

Anyone else agree?




  1. the only place you'll see and hear the truth is fox news. you're

    absolutely correct, seems like everybody is in the tank for obama. obama is a very dangerous individual, if you think we

    have problems now, just wait if he's elected. i'm like you, i'm sick and tired of the coverage he's getting from just about all media outlets, tv, radio and print, it's a sham and people are idiots to be taken in by such obvious bias. obama is nothing more than a slick talking chicago politician who has no clue.

  2. Most media organizations are liberal, the NYT, the Wash Post, CBS, NBC/MSNBC, ABC, even Yahoo News & Google News tend to lean left in their selections of what news organizations should get listed on their news summaries. Xinhua is welcome, Wash Times is not. Admittedly, the Washington Times is right of center but they are a lot more accurate than Xinhua. But not even Xinhua is caught out in lies as often as Reuters, but Reuters is right up there in the amount of articles in Google News and Yahoo News.  Of course these sorts of people lean towards Obama. He is decent looking and gives a decent memorized speech, you have to look fairly closely to realize that he is an empty suit, that he can't speak very well off the cuff, and that he has done absolutely nothing but graduate from law school and get damned good grades, and be completely wrong about the Surge, which is just about the most important thing he has been willing to take a stand on. The funny thing is that he was wrong about the Iraqi surge, but now he wants to have an Afghani surge...

    And he will probably be our next president.

    Kind of amusing, since most democrats are down on Bush for being incompetent. Now the Democrats are pushing to elect a candidate that is even less qualified than Bush was 8 years ago.

  3. Yeah, they obviously favor Obama.  It is pretty sad when you can't trust any media outlets for fair coverage :(

  4. you must be the people who voted in hideinBush you believe what he said look at us now! he will go down in history as the dumbest presidents in history a mere puppet of father even his father is disappointed in him...... this is a man who can even pay attention or articulate two words together without messing then up i feel sorry for obama he will have to clean this mess up when he wins mccain is too old! he will just more of same bs.

  5. It is kind of big deal to have first serious black president candidate. Not so unusual that media likes him so much. Plus Yahoo doesn't really do their own news. New articles come from Reuters. Media in general like Obama for lot of good reasons, but I don't see think they're creating some phony hype around Obama. People now days are lot more media savvy and can see through junks in media.

  6. I think its terribly sad that America heaved and pushed and brought forth these two candidates as the best the nation could come up with. A nice old guy who will be happy in retirement and an egomaniac fast talker with no substance or concrete proposals that could impress anyone not caught up in his personality media blitz.

  7. I agree they are pushing Obamanation but please not at the top of the page!

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