
Anyone else sick of judgmental people on here?

by  |  earlier

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theres just some people on here that are really judgmental and dont care about hurting peoples feelings. And they aren't being helpful they're just being rude.

any thoughts?




  1. Just mentally imagine giving them a smack upside the head cause that is what they deserve.  And then forget it.  Don't let them ruin your day.  Keep on shining!

  2. seems like most are ? ? opinionated i guess, if they are answering.

    they can't hurt our feelings unless we care about their opinion, can they.

    so i guess it's up to us. sometimes it is difficult to see others so miserable and not try to help.  

  3. Ignore it. Simple as that. Listen and appriciate the people who are really trying to be helpful. Leave all the others alone. Don't give them any satisfaction by getting upset.

  4. i deffinetly agree. they just make stupid comments like "your g*y" or "who cares" or they something so pointless, that its just a freakin waist of time even reading....hate it.

  5. yeah. this site seems to be a place for the open minded, but unfortunately twits get attracted too.

  6. Yes, it's tiring. But a natural part of an open internet forum. A quick thumbs down and you can pretend they never existed. Take it as a reminder about human nature.

  7. Yahoo Answers, being a question and answer format, is bound to bring out opinions, and some of them are judgmental.

    I would rather see a true opinion-whether it was judgmental or not- than some, "IDK", or, "I don't know".

    There will always be flamers and trolls on any website that allows input from those looking at their monitors.  Some you just have to take with a grain of salt.

  8. Do what we do and ignore them.  

  9. i'm sick of other people asking if i'm sick of other people here.

    this post makes about as much sense as this picture:

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