
Anyone else sick of the way Packers fans are treating Rodgers?

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I heard again how Packers fans are showing up at practices mocking and taunting Aaron Rodgers. Isn't this pretty childish and immature??




  1. yes it is childish and immature

    there probably taking out their anger and frustration with favre out on him

  2. Just wait till he loses the first game of the season.

  3. Packer fans sure know how to show their love for their starting QB ... pathetic ...

  4. Let them it will be thier fault when he can't pay attention in a game..In a way I want Aaron Rodgers to put up MVP numbers while the Packers stink for a year...that will shut most of them up

  5. I think it's disgusting. Like it's Rodgers fault the primma donna and the packers couldn't come to a decision.  Those are not TRUE packer fans, no matter what they say.  Did anybody ever stop to think that the Packers finally said to Brett...."there is no I in team"?  He complains about the Packers hurting his feelings.....oh pour some wine with that cheese, will ya?  Like he wasn't all over the news bashing TT before they lowered the boom on him. lol

  6. I'm a Packer Fan-- and to h**l with Aaron Rodgers. It's not his fault to be put in this situation to suck. But--- its not about him at all. its about the management. how else can the people that own the team show the management their displeasure in the choices that have been made. The Fans own the team-- should'nt they have a say? No other team is like that. no other team doesn't have to worry about being sold to another city. so-- the fans should be able to speak out. that is what owners do. oh-- and Rodgers does suck.  

  7. I think most of the world is on Rodgers side, minus a few Packer fans that can't let go of the past.

    Did you see the ESPYs?  Justin Timberlake did what a lot of people want to do for Rodgers; let him know that everyone's on his side and feel bad for him.

    Favre is the cause, plain and simple.  His "common man" image is definitely ruined now.  Not that he probably cares.

  8. Yes, it is entirely classless.

  9. Packer fans don't have much else going on when it comes to sports teams, so they tend to overreact to everything.

    I wonder if any of them realize that their hero and buddy Favre couldn't care less about them.

  10. I am a Packers fan and not everybody is against Aaron.  Many of us want to see him do well.  There are ignorant people in every group.  Please do not generalize us all.

  11. The Packer fans are worse than Eagle fans and way more ignorant

  12. Yes, I'm sick to death of it.  This whole debacle is Favre's fault, not Rodgers'.  Every year, Favre does his retirement dance and this time he said it was for real.  Even when the Packers were willing to take him back, he said he wasn't committed.  Then, he changed his mind again.  He has destroyed his legacy and it's his own fault.  I hope he has a completely crappy season with the Jets and finally bows out in disgrace.

  13. I agree -that poor guy was waiting on the sideline (literally ) for how many years waiting for his day in the spotlight. I hope he takes Green Bay far, not too far though cause I am a bucs fan lol :D  

  14. There's only one thing he can do to stop it,that's to win if he wins nobody going to care one way or the other,he didn't pick this choice to start his career like this it just happen and he have to deal with it.

  15. Of course it's childish and immature! I feel bad for him, he was in a tough spot...I would rather Brett Farve be quarterback than him...but Aaron Rodgers has really acted like a humble mature person. He didn't bad mouth anyone..I hope now that Brett has moved on he can shine and make those Cheeseheads proud of him too.

  16. Well look at who their idol is, that should explain a lot. After all I don't blame Packers fans, just the Favre lovers.

  17. Yeah its not his fault Brett wanted to retire then decided to come back.  Following up a legend is always hard but they seem to be trying to make it even harder.  I'd laugh if he still left when his contract runs out and left them with no QB ready to start.

  18. It is just wrong. Give the guy a chance. It is time for Packer fans to start looking ahead and not back.  

  19. Not at all, most of them still want rodgers,

    it's Favre's fault anyway,

    the winy *** ***** wouldn't stop complaining after he had already told them he was done, now he is making rodgers feel unwanted by the pakcers fans while he sits pretty on 25 million dollar deals and whines like a little *****

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