
Anyone else suffer?

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I love cross country but my allergies have become unbearable after running. The other day my left eye got swollen and didn't get better until 2 days after. My throat feels itchy and like s* when it's humid and hot, and last season I was always tired in the heat (but I ran great in 70 degree weather). I'm just now taking allergy shots again (i go on and off because i forget to take them every now and then) and I take Zyrtec D on some days but I was just wondering if anyone goes through this like me? Any tips on how to not let this be a factor for a good cc season ...?

Also has anyone ever taken allergy medicine on the day of a meet? I want to know if it effects anyone, because usually you get drowsy/tired from taking medicine.




  1. yeah usually allergy medicine gets you drowsy, maybe try some caffiene. looks like u've got a pretty serious case, try going to ur doctor again and see if he anything better than what ur already taking since it doesn't seem to be working or something

  2. No, i don't get allergies like that. My bones do hurt when i run in the cold though. Im not sure if allergy medicine can really make you drowsy during a meet because of all the adrenaline.
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