
Anyone else suffering as a result of high fuel costs. Any ideas how we can beat them or do something about it

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Anyone else suffering as a result of high fuel costs. Any ideas how we can beat them or do something about it




  1. Yes you can stay at home like the gov want or depose the government and stop wasting our taxes

  2. make people aware

    of the army of specs

  3. I have started saving money up for a Hydrogen fuel car.

    By the time I have saved up that money, I'm pretty sure their models at that time, have been better perfected

  4. I sold my MPV and now take public transport

  5. Are you talking long term or short?

    If short term I have been bying BBAR hot dogs at aldis grocery for .98 and hot hot dog buns... man they are good : )

  6. Sell your huge SUVs and buy smaller cars.

  7. you beat them by investing in them. Lokk at what has happened to everyone that invested in oil producers and drillers 18 monthes ago. Invest now before it goes to 175 a barrel. collect your dividends, watch the stock price go up. Such a beautiful thing. All this talk has got me excited. I am going to buy some more PBR (Petroleo Brasileiro S.A.-)

  8. Stop going to the pumps and use alternative fuel.  I read how a high school kid started using the left over cooking oil at his high school to fuel his modified engine.

  9. Coming up with a plan to beat them is simple, implementing it is the problem.

    The government takes, roughly, 0.66p out of every 1p you pay at the pump in duty and V.A.T.  The government don't care about petrol prices rising because they get 66% of the rise every time it goes up...  Their travel, food and various other things are paid for by us so they don't feel the pinch when prices rise and their total detachment from the issue is another reason why they couldn't care less.

    The government are saying we should be buying more eco-friendly cars and using public transport and in doing so will reduce our outgoings on petrolium fuel. If you read between the lines they are saying that they know fuel prices are too high but it's our fault for buying it.

    They are saying this but they know full well the people have no alternative to buying it, we are too attached to our cars to do that and as a result they needn't focus any attention on the fact the public transportation network is inadequate and antiquated, it can barely support the amount of people it currently has and the service provided is poor, at best.

    If you want to beat the petrol rip-off you need to beat the governments 66% take of it... To do that you need to get everyone to stop buying petrol for a prolonged period of time and get everyone to use public transport.  If that happened the public transport infastructure would be exposed for what it is and the government would have to acknowledge that there is no viable alternative to driving.

    I have a 22 mile journey to work and a 22 mile journey home. There is no public transport available from my home to my office.  If I took public transport I would have to take a train,  two buses and walk about 2 miles... It would take me three times as long to get to work as it does now and the cost, due to traveling at peak times, would actually be just as expansive as driving and I would have to stand up all the way there.

    Anyway... Rant over...

    Get everyone to go on a car strike for a week, use public transport instead and watch how quickly things turn ugly.

    Alternatively get a bike or use public transport yourself...

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