
Anyone else surprised by the lack of coverage on Eight Belles having to be euthanized?

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I don't just seems to me like they should be covering Eight Belles a little more. The announcers seemed indifferent and I was really befuddled.

Any others have thoughts on this?




  1. Nandina, you gave a good answer. It's just that those of us outside of the sport are shocked at was is I guess just another day at the track. It's a real disconnect. I know a race horse isn't a pet, but those of us with pets would be pretty ticked off if a vet told us that breaking two ankles was a death sentence to a dog or cat. I can understand that she would never race again, it's just hard to believe someone wouldn't want her just as retirement care project. I guess that's why I know nothing of horses.

  2. Yeah, I saw he was hurt and not much else.

  3. I agree. I have this stupid macy's ad popped up over your

    statements. What is up with getting info anymore.

    I am not indifferent I find it heart breaking. That wasn't some money making machine I hope. It wasn't. I don't know where people's brains are.

  4. The announcers are frustrated because another of their fragilely-bred animals broke down, and their sport is gonna go through the wringer again.

    Give the media time to develop the story.  I guarantee Eight Belles being killed will be a bigger story tomorrow than Big Brown winning.

  5. I'm not sure how you approach the owner and trainer of a family that just lost a horse right after the race.  She finished 2nd as the only filly in the race.  She was supposed to race yesterday in the Oaks but they decided to race her today.  

    It's sad when things like that happen in racing.

  6. I have yet to see any footage of what happend so i really can't fairly give a fair opinion about this but all i will say for now is that although I'm not a Horse Racing fan this is a horrible thing & my heart goes out to this poor animal her owners & her fans. My condolences to them.

  7. I agree with you, i think that they should show a little more support

  8. No, I'm not surprised.  The announcers were anything but indifferent (and if you listened to their voices and read the body language of the ones you could see on camera, you'd know that), but the live coverage should not have devolved into a virtual gapers block on the track.

    They pulled the ambulances in to screen her from onlookers - as they should have - and the blimp coverage was rightly chosen to show her going down (enough to show her stumble and go down) and her jockey coming off.  They didn't need to showcase her death to satisfy the morbid curiosity of the rabble.

    And to go up and stalk the owners, trainers, jockey, etc. associated with a horse who has just been killed on racing's premiere day would have been callous to say the least, and nauseatingly vulturish.  The on-track vet issued an explanation of what her condition was and stated she was euthanized as a result of it.  That's all the public needs at this point.  For pete's sake, give the horse some dignity in death, and give the horse's family time to grieve before shoving a microphone in their faces.

    If you re-watch Desormeaux and the outrider as they catch Big Brown and turn him back for the winner's circle after the race, you can tell that they saw Eight Belles down.  If you look at the crowd, you can also tell she's down - they're all looking at her, not at BB.

    And you can tell that Desormeaux was looking at the downed filly - that's the reason BB was able to buck him off when he spooked.  Desormeaux wasn't paying attention.  Gary Stevens and the color announcers don't look at the track - they comment on what they see on the monitors.  They didn't see that Belles was down, that's why they were able to joke about how "fresh" BB was.  Once they were told she was down, Gary Stevens immediately revised why BB spooked.

    What I noticed in retrospect - as they were loading into the gate, Gary Stevens commented that Belles was taller than Winning Colors.  I can't help but wonder if she was lighter in bone in the ankles.  It's also a sad coincidence that Winning Colors was euthanized two and a half months ago. =(

    I think I'm going to stop watching the Derby.  I couldn't handle watching it last year, because I was pulling for Barbaro in '06.

  9. The media falls in love w/ a couple horses & dedicate way too much time on them, just as they do other sports / players. I'm sure by this time 2morrow, you will have watched or read Barbaro like amounts on this horse & her life.

    With all the stuff we can do, all the technology we have I can't understand why they can't "fix" the ankles of a horse

  10. I completely agree. I was deeply upset by this (felt guilty for watching in the first place), but I was rooting for her and I want to know more and want her respected for what she did accomplish!

  11. Ya. At first I thought well they aren't mentioning it much so maybe it's not too bad... Then they said she busted her ankles and had to be uthenized I was like :|. Poor girl. They really should have shown it more , it is like they didn't care.

  12. I heard "triumph" and "tragedy" from a speaker.  But she breaks 2 ankles...and that wouldn't have happened if she wasn't being pushed beyond limits and whipped ????to ..wha?t.....die because she loves running?

  13. I defer to Nadina's take on this.

    For ONCE I think the announcers might have had some clue as to what the circumstance was on the track.

    They downplayed it, and it wasn't the focus of the broadcast, and they didn't bring attention to the gruesome details unfolding.

    I have personally helped put horses down.  I can tell you that horses, without a doubt... are as intelligent a creature as there is.  It's a lot like losing a friend.  The decision is black and white really.

    I think the broadcasts by in large, whether by ignorance or intention, probably did the right thing with what happened.

  14. I live in Louisville and the local announcers are saying they can't get information, because everyone who was close to Eight Belles is devastated and they don't want to talk about it.  I think they're giving them some space, so there's nothing new to report on.

  15. Tottaly agree. If you watched the post race celeberation by Big Brown's owner it seemed like it was all about him not that a horse had to be put to sleep. It's so sad that she finished second and then broke two ankles.

  16. As of 7pm est. There is NOTHING about this on the Derby's website. The only thing they have posted is. The winning amout of the winners. Sad.....

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