
Anyone else taking metformin?

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Is anyone else taking metformin to help in TTC? Or did anyone else take it with positive results. Also did it make you have a weird taste in your mouth? Thanks.




  1. I took metformin, a while back.. I know a lot of people say that it's great taking it with clomid, but my doctor only put me on clomid for 2 more rounds.. But the only side effect I got was going to the bathroom after  every meal.

    wish u the best

  2. Yep. currently on 4th cycle TTC #3 with metformin and Clomid.

    and yes I have had 2 lil miracles thanks to Metformin

    Doc put me on Metformin when hubby and I started  TTC#1, after I had 14 m/c's to exhubby etc was shocked I never heard of metformin until then. Anyway doc put me on it for 3 months (and wait until the 3rd month before starting to ttc) and told me to take clomid the 3rd month, well we conceived on our very 1st try, I continued the Metformin for the 1st trimester and now my lil miracle daughter is 5½yrs old now, then had another m/c a year after her birth (due to not taking metformin I think - required a d&c). Another year later conceived my 2nd daughter and started Metformin as soon as I found out about pg to try to save it and it worked my 2nd precious lil girl is now 3yrs old.

    and Now on 4th cycle with metformin 1500mg and Clomid 100mg again TTC#3. And yes I have the slightly weird taste in the mouth and excess saliva. (not a gross excess but more then usual lol)

  3. I was on 1500mg for a while, had random diarrhea---meaning it would be sudden-like I barely had time to get to the bathroom.

    I decreased to 1000mg because of the horrible bathroom runs, and then I joined weightwatchers, and started eating less and better.  I then started having hypoglycemia.  So, now I'm on 850mg, which probably does nothing for helping me ovulate, but I do have slightly elevated blood sugars so the metformin helps with that.

    I don't think I ever had the weird taste thing though.

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