
Anyone else think it is extremely hot ?well the last few days anyways ! im melting hehe?

by  |  earlier

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lucky you friggy hehe but errrrr but errr atleast we could run away from work and go maracas hehehe

and Hotta oh yeah the headaches definitely keep coming when you out in the sun..... just drink lots of water and wear shades or something it helps ......




  1. girl, extreme is ah understatement, when i home i does feel like i boiling, serious.   is like, we hadda pay for everybody sins dred.  every day when i go out side i does get ah headache.  

    and me ent know wha the rain waiting on to fall nah.  mind you, with this kinda heat, when the rain finally start falling, it go be real flood.  sooooo, if yuh know yuh living at the bottom of the hill, get yuh tall boots, and pull out yuh boat early. lol

  2. dread even the water in the tank hot, de dog eh want to go outside during the day. The plants flowers.

  3. yea girl, it real hot these few days!

    gosh why i want living close to ah beach!

    the fan blowing ah set ah hot breeze too, let me get ,myself ah wuk an put some ac in my room yes!

  4. Depends on where you are, it is very nice in Vermont..a beautiful 66 degrees, sunny with a light southerly breeze, gotta love it!

  5. It not so hot whey ah dey; lass couple days we had plenty rain, but now it start back getting warm.

  6. ya very hot

  7. Trust me, it's not your imagination. An' to make matters worse, as soon as my nephew comes home from school he starts running around the house like a little pony. By the end of the day I feel like Miss Piggy. lol!

  8. i dont know still kind of cool here. rain and wind a lot lately

  9. you might call Al Gore and get his opinion.he will probably agree with you.

  10. LOL it's nice over here

  11. yeah gyul, an what makin it more unbearable for me is mih chile push someting between the fan blade an dem and it jam an bun out de motor so i not gettin breeze from no way!

  12. Dis place is really hot yes. Ah feel like de sun burning through meh skin.

    Even de nights hot.

  13. yuh understan...dred i cud fry a egg on d pavement right about now

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