
Anyone else think its weird?

by  |  earlier

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When ppl buy expensive designer clothing for their children, dont get me wrong their is nothing wrong with making them look nice & presentable, but children grow so quickly.. i think its a big waste of money.

why do some parents go out of their way with clothes when the children couldn't care less?




  1. I think it is a waste when the money could be used for something else they need cuz whatever u put on them just gets dirty in like 2 minutes anyway.

  2. not me. if i want designer clothes for my son. i just go buy it at ross or old navy cz its cheaper.

  3. I agree with Angel.  My son does have a pretty nice wardrobe, but because I know how to shop smart.  Marshall's, TJ Maxx, etc. all have designer clothing for very cheap.  My son dresses like a million bucks, but for a fraction of the cost.

  4. Personally, I love Old Navy clothes over any designer brand! I'm a 14 yr old freshman, btw.

  5. i have no idea....I think it's a waste of money and teaches kids to be spoiled and not have money values if you buy expensive clothes and such.  Teach them money values, but sales and discount!

  6. If you can find designer clothing for the not so expensive price then go for it. When you wash a gap shirt 20 times and it still looks good then you're glad you got it instead of the walmart shirt that fades after 3 washes. When it comes down to it I think it's insane for people to pay $50 for a pair of shoes for their 1 year old.. but if you can get a pair of Nike's for $5 like I did for my daughter.. then kudos to ya! :)

  7. I admit, I'm guilty of this. I don't do it on purpose. I'll just walk into Burberry or somewhere and just buy it. I agree though. I've wasted SO much money on things my daughters wear once. It's crazy. I'm a huge fan of babygap. It's not expensive and I don't feel like I'm wasting my money. Although to defend myself, I have 2 daughters, one 2 and one 2 months, and my 2 month old will def. be wearing my 2 year olds expensive clothes when she can fit into them. I'm pregnant, and if it's a girl, maybe a third year on the clothes won't hurt? It's not so much of the designer as it is the appearance. If I saw a Juicy baby dress at Nordstrom for $100, and saw it somewhere else for $25, I sure as h**l am buying the $25 one. I don't really care about designers, I just shop for them when I'm shopping for myself, so they get designer brands.

  8. I only buy the expensive cloths when they are on sale. I can't stand spending a ton of money on cloths my daughter would only wear for three or four months. My sister-in-law and I were shopping a little while ago and we went to T.J MaxxI found Calvin Cline (sp) onsies on sale for 10 for 12.00  So I  bought them. But we buy most of my daughters cloths on sale or at walmart. On their website they have the cloths in packages too so you can save money too!

  9. well i kinda find it stupid to cuz the kids could careless what they wear i didnt care what i wore when i was little.

    and yes it is a waste of money cuz they do grow fast. But i mean its their choice if thyey wanna make the kids look nice its their kids haha.

  10. I use to buy all the good stuff for my first. but that's cause i didn't know any better. For my second i only bought baby clothes if they were on sale. he still had a lot of clothes but i never payed full price for anything. I just think people want their babies to be dressed cute at what ever the cost.may be. they  don't really realize that they will only be able to wear it once or twice before they either get it stained or grow out of it. Oh Well.

  11. The way your children dress reflects on the parents..they buy these things to make themselves look better and obviously because they can afford it.   It's really none of my business and I could care less.

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