
Anyone else think planes are the scariest f'ing thing their is?

by  |  earlier

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Engine goes out in your car? that sucks. Boat? now you gotta wait for help. train? Guess you'll glide for awhile until you stop. Plane? You plummit and crash and die.




  1. yeah but planes have like 4 engines, so its not that bad if one goes out...

    and the probability of all four going out is really really really low!

  2. They became a lot more scary after 9-11! God save us all!

  3. If you really think about it planes are way safer! I mean they have people watching EVERYTHING! Not to much can go wrong, and if something happens there's usually nothing anyone can do about it! Average annual death toll for planes is like 1, 500, with like 40+ people on a plane! Average detah toll in cars is like 42, 700 and most would be in cars with 1-3 passengers!  Personally I like planes! And the pilots in uniform!

  4. Yes but how many plane crashes are there every day compared to fatal car crashes?

    I heard about 3 just this morning in my area. 4 dead people.

    I don't find planes any scarier than any other mode of transportation.


    That may be so, but did her plane crash?  

    And how many time has that happened to her in her entire experience as a stewardess?

    My father used to fly all the time for work. He's been on several planes that have been struck by lightning while in the air, one that they weren't sure if the landing gear was down and they had to assume crash positions, and he was supposed to fly out of New York City on 9/11/01!

    He wouldn't have been on the ill fated planes, but it was still scary! He decided to rent a car the night before and drive instead. He was pretty shook up understandably.

    But even after all that, he's not afraid of flying. Still maintains  it's the safest mode of transportation.

    He just hates that he can't smoke on the planes!

    If he's not afraid after all of that, then neither am I!

  5. LOL, and how often do you hear about plane engines failing? (they are checked after each flight) as opposed to the other examples you have listed?

    I enjoy flying.

  6. i actually love air planes and i think it's so fun when i get to travel and get on a plane. you are more likely to die in trains, cars, and boats. the plane is the least likely you'll die in. i'm more scared to be in a car.

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