
Anyone else think that Mother's Day is just a holiday made up by companies to get $?

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If a husband/child truely loves their mom, then every day he/she would appreciate their mom and tell their mom's that they love them. Everyday is just as important as the other. It is just a way for companies to get money from people. This day is extrememly commercialized by the media.

I ask this question because I was at the Marriage section of Yahoo!Answers and there are a bunch of people complaining that their husbands haven't done anything special for Mother's Day.




  1. wat r u a dad

  2. Your spot on, its just a way to get "£". The companies who make money out of such occasions have in the past tried all sorts of special days in the hope they will catch on, there has been Secretary day, Boss's day, Best friend day and many more, all have failed. I send my girl friend flowers three or four times a year when she least expects them, I feel that's far more romantic than sending them on St Valentines day, wouldn't you agree? As for Mothers day, you should show your feeling all year round, not when your told to.

  3. Yes, everyday should be mother's day. They shouldn't have to tell us when.

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