
Anyone else think that the new cartoony Truth anti-smoking ads actually promote smoking to really young kids i

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Like the retarded "magical amount "one where they re singing about how smoking will kinda hurt but not really kill you.

if you miss the first 2 seconds of the ad you miss tthe sorcasm and they endd up just being ads for smoking targeted at little kids due to the singing cartoons.

now the cartoons are poping up on MTV not discouraging smoking just trying to be funny.

i think with this new angle truth is going with they are doing far more harm then they will ever stop.

what do you think?




  1. Yes. It's worse D.A.R.E., which I didn't even think was possible. They make it seem like you will spontaneously combust if you smoke. When kids realize that isn't true, they don't believe any anti-drug warning is telling the truth. Don't even get me started on those "Live above the influence" commercials.

  2. Those ads are stupid and annoying.

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