
Anyone else think the Democrats messed up big-time?

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First they snub Hillary and now they are attacking Palin. Does this party care about women at all?

The only thing they can do is cry about inexperience. But what experience does Obama have? Just like Hillary said, the only experience Barack has is a speech he gave in 2004.

If Hillary was the nominee, Id vote for her. But the way the Democrats treated her made me move towards McCain and now that Palin is the solidifies my vote.




  1. I just want to see some more of this:

  2. Obama has a lot more experience than Palin, two years ago, Obama was in a state legislature, two years ago, Palin was the mayor of some rinky dink small town.

    And if Hillary felt mistreated, like you say she was, she would not have urged her supporters to vote for Obama.  

  3. Yes, the Democrats messed up...HUGE!

    Senator McCain has had my support since 2000, and decisions like this one only strengthen my support for him.

  4. First of all the Bossy girl is a little to ignorant to write on here, second obama does not hate women and hispanics....are you kidding me?...john mccain picks a former ms alaska, and she has only been in the gov. spot for 18mths.

    if anything the republicans dropped the ball because they are going to see all those hillary clinton voters who were going to vote for mccain go back to obama.

    think of this....if john mccain dies while in office, the palin will have to take over....if that happens we are all royally f*****......not cuz shes a woman but because she has NO experiance at all.

    If you dont want a better economy, more jobs in the us, better paying jobs, and health ins.  then go ahead and vote for mccain, who has turned down bill after bill to help support healthcare, and even bills on helping out our troops when the get home from duty....its pretty unfair that a solier has to come home to...well...pretty much no home or anything.

    with obama as pres. he WILL change all that...

    get your fact straight before you post.....morons

    Obama, the next president of the united states of america!

  5. WOW. please tell me you're kidding? it's almost like there was the day you all chose to be conservative republicans and you told yourself that you always will be now until the day you die - so now you'll always be inclined to vote republican just because you tell yourself you are, think outside of the box! there is no reason in this world someone should think John McCain is our nations solution.

  6. you better watch what you say!

    Obama is going to win!

    Obama's plan is to protect the people that voted for and supported him, and he will invoke fear and hunger to those that didn't!

  7. I agree, The dnc abandoned Hillary,her supporters and showed them no respect,also judging by the comments I've seen on here and by the media  about McCain's pick. The democratic party leadership are proving they are sexist idiots pushing a undesirable candidate with no experience.

    Oh,and welcome to the dark side.We have

  8. YEP

  9. The only reason Hillary said those things at the convention was because she had to, otherwise the Dems would have killed her career.

  10. I agree with you.  I'll go a step further and say that the Obama supporters who are going out of their way today to be nasty about Palin are really making a stupid mistake.  They probably are not influencing one vote towards Obama, but may be convincing thousands even here in Q&A against Obama and his arrogant maniacal followers.  Most people do not like zealots, even if they are on your side.

    They really ought to send a message out on their secret de-coder phones to shut the f up.  LMAO,  but they are WAY too dumb to see the problems they are causing.

  11. Right on....

    I think back, the Blacks always look down on the female.

  12. They will lose the elections beacuse of their miscalculations. As a McCain supporter, i'm very happy dems left Hillary apart. In november Nobama will be trashed by McCain and Palin,

  13.   Clinton solde her self-esteem, integrity and honor down the river by kissing Obamas feet and rolling over for him.  She could have supported the Dem Party, but refused to endorse Obama and I honesttly think people would have respected that MORE, then see her reduced to a lap dog for Obama.    Obama truly wasted his historic one shot by passing on Clinton.   And if Clinton did this, HOW would anybody believe she were honest again ?

  14. Yes, I think they really messed up big time...thanks to Kerry and Kennedy who threw their support to Obama when they thought we were not voting right.  And credit needs to go to Donna Brazile, Howard Dean and "giggly" Nancy Pelosi.  

    But McCain votes against womens' issues.  So voting for McCain is just as bad!  McCain is too pro-war.  Our country is deteriorating thanks to 8 years of the Republican policies.    

    And McCain thinks that by him selecting Palin makes any difference...well Palin is NO Hillary!  Does McCain honestly think Hillary supporters are so dumb?  

    Joe Biden is a good man....I will vote for him.  I was a Hillary supporter.  We need to get rid of the crooks in the DNC and there should NEVER be a caucus....people need to vote in the Primaries.

    I am extremely upset at how they worked against Hillary.  Had MI and FL voted...Hillary would be the nominee...even though Obama store the caucuses.

  15. Yes I do.  The kennedy's are the power behind the throne there.They wouldn't want the Clinton's in again as they wouldn't be able to manipulate Obama. It was the kennedy's who were behind Biden becoming his running mate. I believe he is good, but he doesn't  seem to have the same drive as Hillary has got.  But please whatever you do, and how ever you feel, don't let it stop you from voting for Obama. I feel that the real people of America [the ones who pay  taxes]  want a similar health system to ours in Britain, and their tax dollar to go into fighting problems in their country not elsewhere. I wish America all the good that they wish for themselves.

  16. well first of all Palin is on the ticket for the republicans..and she is going to get attack alot its just politics

    2nd hillary said obama gave a speech in 2002

    The democrats didnt s***w hillary at the convention she asked to suspend the roll call and just nominate you really cant say the dems messed up big time

    Obama/Biden 2008

  17. Obama is the biggest mistake since Walter Mondale.

    You dont snub 18 million voters (the amount of people who voted for Hillary) and not expect it to come and bite you in the *** later on.

    Obama should have at least picked Hillary as VP. He really messed up.

  18. After viewing McCain's choice pick, I'm incline to differ. But perhaps you should view for yourself.

  19. Yes, Democrats messed up big time.

    OBAMA is the worst mistake ever.

    Hiliary Clinton could have won it.  I'm voting McCain-Palin.

  20. Palin under ethics investigations in Alaska

    Firing of safety commissioner allegedly linked to divorce of governor’s sister.

    She's a sweetheart!. You really think she can take over if McCain bites the dust? Who do you think will be pulling her strings?

  21. everyone likes Palin as she is new and quite a dish

    but yeah..the Democrats have been dropping the ball in Congress

    for the last two years and now they picked a real goof ball like

    barack obama..and his faithful side kick JOE *blow* Biden

    Democrats want to win with a bunch of losers??what a sad day

  22. Come on, you can believe Slick Barry cares about women, right? The way he said he was for equal pay and then they found out women were outnumbered and paid thousands less than men in his campaign, while in McCain's campaign it was the total opposite. Can't you trust him?

  23. OOh! OOh! I do! I do!

    They done went and effed up when they didn't pick Hillary. McCain would have stood no chance against her.

    Palin will make a great VP. She is smart, she is a maverick, she knows what she's up against and doesn't seem too afraid to fight it.

    BTW, I think that when she said she didn't know what roll the VP took, I think she meant something more logistical. What do you think?

    McCain/Palin '08

  24. McCain thinks because his running mate has the same parts as Hillary's supporters that he's going to get their votes. He could be so wrong.

    Hillary's fighting for women's rights, equality, equal pay while McCain and the Republicans are voting against them. Hillary has worked for years of getting universal healthcare passed for every American.  Her experience far outweighs some half term governor of Alaska.

    Mondale/Ferraro 2

  25. Hillary was also my candidate but she lost the nomination.   She has asked everyone to switch their vote from her to Obama.  The difference between ideaology of her and Obama is minor.   The difference with McCain is huge.   Above being a candidate,  she is an American and wants what is best for the country.   This election is not about Obama or Hillary,  it is about America and the failures of the last eight years of which McCain supported 90% of the time.   I will always be a fan of Hillary but if she supports Obama,  then I will also because I trust her judgement and I know that she loves this nation and wants what is best for it.   I cannot in any means or measure think that could be John McCain with his Bush type politics.   If you want to speak of disrespect,   please remember McCain calling his wife a trollop and a c_nt.   I cannot think that someone who lets words like that come out of his mouth toward the mother of his children could care very much about women or their rights.    Think carefully before you help put this man into the most important job in the country.   We need change and both Hillary and Obama know this,  not the same ole failed policies of the Bush years.    

  26. They only care about the black electorate. They don't care about Hispanics or women. Just like you, McCain just got my vote. Women and country, First. new McCain slogan.  

  27. Yeah, by leaving it to the far left wing to pick their nominee.  Now they got their Messiah who can't work miracles.

  28. You've got to be kidding me Biden was a smart choice for Obama as far as Palin talking bout young and no experience those are two words that describe her character and don't forget that she has five kids she needs birth control.

  29. Thats the one solid thing you can always bank on the Democrats doing and they havent let America down yet and thats probably the one and only area that they truly have experience in

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