
Anyone else tried Hersheys chocolate? Anyone else think it tastes like cheese/baby sick?

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My colleague went to the US and brought some back, we've all tried some and think it tastes absolutely foul!! Anyone else think the same?? ewwww :(




  1. Yes! Though I don't think it tastes of cheese or baby sick, I do think it's horrible and grainy. It's because it has less cocoa solids and more vegetable fat, plus in the USA they're more used to that kind of chocolate. Most Americans I've spoken to think our chocolate is too sweet because they're not used to ours.

  2. As we all know (or should) american

    people are a little different to us !.

    The average yank taste bud is a little

    strange compared to the more sophisticated

    European 'taste'.


  3. Hi I think its horrid to, they sell it in woolworths and I heard it was suppose to be gorgeous but its nasty, the best chocolate is cadburys or guylian, and galaxy at a stretch. I dont like Lindor Extra smooth or somthing like that, that taste like sick and its sour its werid. lol  

  4. yeah the hersheys peanut buuter cups are the worst

  5. Yeah it's horrible - dunno about baby sick though!

    Most Americans LOVE our chocolate and ask for some whenever they can - like when I visit my friend in LA or another friend visits her friend in America too. They want us to bring plenty chocolate, especially the better quality stuff like Thorntons. When in London my US friend wanted to go there every day!

    the best stuff is more European-style like thorntons but Cadbury's is gorgeous too. Don't like Nestle much.

  6. Yep it's TERRIBLE!

  7. I cant comment about the baby sick as I've never tasted it but I think its all a matter of taste.

    Our chocolate (UK) tastes like a mouthfull of sugar and quite disgusting. Someone used to that taste would find other makes nasty if it has less sugar.

    Chocolate from France and Belgium has more cocoa in and I prefer that to the overkill of sugar.  

  8. OMG  your all half crazy Hershey chocolate is the best chocolate I've ever tasted.  

  9. Yes I have, a friend bought some back from the States, it tastes disgusting. Can't understand why it's is so popular??

    It's not the worst chocolate I've had though. I bought some Eastern European brand in a Polish shop in the UK, it tasted as though it had grit added to it. Horrible!

  10. Definitely not as nice as UK Choc - out of all of them the Dark Choc is most bearable! lol

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