
Anyone else trying to get pregnant and due for their period but it is late?

by  |  earlier

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I was due for my period either yesterday or today (my body is still regulating from the bc pill). I had spotting 10 days ago (lasted 4 days), and I took a test 3 days ago (negative).

I feel like my period is about to come today but it is only white & clear. Fingers crossed that this is the month!

Anyone else going through something similar, and how long have you been trying?

This will be our 4th month TTC. Wishing us all baby dust ( =




  1. Same thing here... Mine is due tomorrow, I think it's coming as well (trying not to get my hopes up so I have to think this)but I am having a lot of CM, I'm not bloated like I normally am when AF is due, I have to pee at least 2 times more than normal.  This is our 3rd month ttc #2.  With my daughter I got a bfp the day before AF was due, the only symptom I can remember with her is I felt sick, I don't remember if my breast hurt or not, but that was 7 1/2 years ago.

    I'll keep my fingers crossed for us both and baby dust your way!

  2. was due sat. tested neg then and today still no period...trying to resist testing for a few more days! GOOD LUCK LADIES!!

  3. My period was due July 17th and I took Hpt on the 19th came out negative. Up to this very day no Af so I am going to take another Hpt August 2. I hope you and I get positive sign soon.  I am sending baby dust your way:) Maybe you can answer my question and give me some advise please.

  4. I am in the same situation as you.  My husband and I are ttc our first child and af was due on July 26th, but still nothing.  I am a hpt freak and took a couple on the 26th, but i got a negative result.  I also took one on the 27th with a negative result.  I am starting to lose hope even though I am late.  The only other symptoms I have are feeling a touch nausous at times and being a little more tired than usual. But I don't know if these are syptoms or my wishful hoping. I am only getting white & clear cm as well.  I feel your eagerness.  This is our 4th month ttc as well.  Best wishes and Baby Dust for everyone ttc. My prayers are with you

  5. Have more unprotected s*x, just to be sure.

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