
Anyone else want edward's father side to show in breaking dawn?

by  |  earlier

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I love his character, and I'm sure he would make a great father. But I would have liked to see him more involved with Renesme(spell check). Am I the only one?




  1. I agree - he seemed like he didn't care about his daughter at all.  Or at least not more than a friend or distant relative would.

  2. Yeah... Jacob was more fatherly than him o.O he just kinda stayed as the hot, s**y teenage boyfriend, overly-former as well all know and love. haah. But yes... I did want to see him as a father =/ o well. It was still good. I liked meeting all the new vampires

  3. YES. it would be very interesting indeed. i guess, bella was his top priority. not that he didnt love renesmee either! he does, obviously, but bella is his life. also, the way Breaking Dawn turned out, was more than great for me. :D

  4. it doesnt really explain it because bella is too wrapped up in her own lovefor her child to think about edwards side

  5. carlisle?

    no you are not, but carlisle isn't the only one not involved with renesmee, in lack of a better word.

    edward, too, does not really have anthing to do with renesmee either, he's not like bella, as she expresses her love for renesmee as much as she does for edward, he just basically, stands along the sidelines, watching bella intently as she holds their child, not even really caring.

    BUT! i don't think carlisle should be as involved as say charlie because he's a vampire.

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