
Anyone else want to remain child free?

by Guest10989  |  earlier

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I've never had the desire for children. When I was younger, I never dreamed about getting married and having babies. I don't want children for a variety of reasons, but I want to know who else plans on remaining child free and why. I get a lot of c**p from other women who don't share my views; do you experience this as well?

Please no comments telling me I'm stupid and crazy. I have established myself and know what I want... now I want to hear other's who share my views.




  1. of course you're not stupid or crazy!

    not everyone has to have children just because most families do it. i actually have an aunt and uncle who are married and decided they do not want children. i myself, although i am young, doubt i'm going to have children either for many reasons.

  2. I can't wait to have children! I have always wanted a baby.  I a now 19, and realize that I want a degree first, but I still can't wait to raise a child.  And you aren't crazy! Some people just don't have that maternal instinct, and don't want kids.  :) I have a good friend who doesn't want children EVER, she is concentrating on her career and is happy with just that.

  3. I have a son and another on the way But i would never criticize someone who didnt want kids. i dont really understand the feeling only because I always wanted kids. But I completely respect your decision to not have children.  

    Good for you for deciding what you want! I want kids you dont Big deal.

    Now using abortion as birth control because someone doesnt want kids is something I dont like but that is a different situation entirely..  :)

    Good luck In your life

  4. i don't want children either. ( :

  5. Not everyone is meant to be a mom, my sister had her tubes tied at age 25 because she never wanted children and thats the soonest he dr would allow it, she was the oldest of 7 and said she woul never be a mom.

    I am glad you have made your decision BEFORE you got pregnant and decided that you didn't want the baby.

    I personally am the exact opposite I feel i was put on this earth to be a mommy and that's what my life-long dream is and it's coming true.

    If you don't want children don't feel pressured or that you NEED to add one or more, you don't theirs plenty of women like me out there to do that :)  

  6. I always wanted kids, but I am really thinking now that I don't want kids anymore. I want to be able to be independant and travel. I love kids but I just don't think that they are right for me.  

  7. Hi i used to feel like you and couldn't get pregnant for years. My husband and I were trying but I didn't feel depressed or sad when I couldn't.It was just if it happens then it happens.Just when i came to realize i was never going to have a child and was fine with it i got pregnant! It was so exciting and scary after that but more exciting to look forward to being a parent afterall. I enjoy my son and feel so proud of him with just the simplest little things he does, but also get frustrated or annoyed daily because it is a sacrifice to be a good parent and the childs care and attention needs and wants come first and we can feel overwhelmed at times.But never could i ever say I regret having my son and you cannot imagine your life without them once you do have them. It is a lifechanging and lifelong decision to be a parent but one by far worth experiencing.

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