
Anyone else wish that professional athletes should be banned from the Olympics?

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We all know who is gonna sook the most here !!!!!




  1. I'm not sure if I want to watch a whole bunch of people who can't swim try to do a relay.

  2. It used to be all-amateur. People had the idea that amateur athletes were more pure and virtuous while pros were sleazy mercenaries. I don't agree with that perspective, though. Professional competition can be just as genuine and heartfelt. Plus, as large as the sports industry has become, too many athletes would be left on the outside, way more than there used to be. It can't happen anyway--if the International Olympic Committee suddenly banned amateurs, the event would lose lots of money and prestige.

  3. How do you define professional athletes.  To hard to categorise nowadays.  

    Sponsorship, government handouts, grants, scholarships - do they count as being professional or merely prize money?

  4. No sorry..

  5. Most of the athletes are professional now, tennis soccer even the best swimmers get paid now thats why we see them in adverts.

  6. They did used to be banned.

    The original Modern Olympics was only for amateurs.

    Professionals were only allowed to compete a couple decades ago.

  7. No. c'mon. the olympics are too show off the best in the world. y wouldn't we want the best in the world to compete to see who IS the best??!?!?!?!?!?

    Use your brain sometime. think what the olympics are for. duh

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