
Anyone else wondering if we're on the brink of World War 3?

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Anyone else wondering if we're on the brink of World War 3?




  1. Maybe! But who is the greatest threat to the world? Most people in the world, when asked that question don't say Iran, China, Russia, etc. but say the U.S. is the most dangerous especially with Bush and the republicans in power.

  2. Yes, sure looks like it

  3. I believe we are on a collision course one  way or another

  4. No, Just You.

  5. i wouldnt say brink, but keep an eye on IRAN, they will nuke Israel , once finished with their nuke program, witch will get us involved

  6. Nope, just you.

  7. Yes, only if Iran continues with what they are doing or threatening on doing, Russia isn't helping ether

  8. Yeah the old Kosovan thing just plonked another timebomb into the mix.Fun & games eh?

  9. yes but there are many secrets between our governments and other countries governments that we don't actually know half of what really happening or being planned. so unfortunately i don't think their is much we can do

    Also according to Nostradamus, it will all break out in 2015, so until then.............?

  10. Bush says he is a born again Xtian, they believe in Armageddon, enough to actually be comfortable with the possibility. So we have been on the brink for 7 years. Kosovo?  another pawn in the big game. Hope the ruskkies wait till W is no longer fingering the trigger.

  11. we are yet to reach the critical mass of  fanatics and fundamentalists around the world .

    we will be reaching such criticality if freee flow of fundamentalists continue

  12. I assume you are referring to Kosovo, just have to sit abck and see what happens

  13. Yep-I do not think we are that far away.

    God help us All.

  14. I've been wondering that since I was about 10 years old!

    I think, or hope, that even the most 'zany' of extremists with nuclear weapons would not instigate a process of mutual extinction!

    The object of waging any war is to be the victor and to enjoy the rewards or fruits of victory.

    No-one - absolutely no-one - would be a winner of WWIII.

    Who would be left to celebrate?  The living would envy the dead - I have no doubt of that!


  15. nope dowt it quit worrying and enjoy ur life

  16. I have had military experience for nine years before discharge in the eighties and there have been many scares since then but the ball game has changed rules and I have a very uneasy feeling about this one.

    The results of a thermonuclear exchange is the unthinkable but extreme theologies and or politics will eventually push us over the edge and I reckon that time is short - perhaps three years tops. If it does go up, just stand outside with your family and you will not know a thing. Why fight to survive? Who would help you if you found your liver hanging out of your bum? The horrors are what make these weapons - the unthinkable.

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