
Anyone else worried about getting their GCSE results tommorow?

by  |  earlier

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I know i am!! :|

Good Luck to anyone else collecting their results!




  1. I am so scared! I am hoping to do well. fingers crossed. xx :)

  2. I am sooo worried, this morning I had a horrible nightmare. It was scary and I never usually get nightmares. I was so shocked by how bizarre it was. I really hope I don't s***w up because I picked something full on for A Levels.

    Anyway good luck to yourself

  3. yup, extremely worried!!!

    i need 6 B's minimum to get in to my schools sixt form

    i can only think of four subjects that im confident ill get an A in

  4. nightmares everyday this week. today I'm feeling sick. Tomoz i will hopefully do well. Normally the more ill i feel the better i have done lol.

  5. Terrified!

    but only because the results are totally out of my control.=, no going back now!

    I need all above Cs and As in maths and Science to get into my course.. so the pressures on!

    best of luck tomorrow <3 xx

  6. Very nervous! I think i've done OK in most things but you never know- except i know i've done terrible in English, but i'm not taking that for an A-level so its OK.

    Good luck to everyone!

    What time do we go in?

  7. ye

  8. You're not the only one....many of my students are nervous. If you put in the effort, you will get good results. Best of luck

  9. I was terrified! I was certain I would fail art, so I just couldn't open the envelope. I just stood by the entrance with the envelope in my hand and just kind of hoping I'd never have to open them. But my art teacher came over to me and convinced me that I really did want to see my grade and I'd be pleasantly surprised... I GOT B!! I was so happy :D Hope you are happy with your results!!

  10. Me too, God I can hardly sit still today!

    I just hate the feeling that there's nothing else I can do now!

    Good luck to you and everyone else. x*x

  11. im soooooo scared!

    i realy need my english!

    good luck  

  12. Yes!!! Fricking terrified to be honest! I'm going into pick my results up and I really don't want to have all the boffins coming up to me and going, "Ooh, I'm going to fail, I'm going to fail!". But good luck, I'm sure you'll do fine :).

    And by the way, to Duke75, that comment was harsh and I bet there's some things that you struggle with.  

  13. im absolutely crapping myself about it.

    I wasn't last week, then i realised its this week we get our results.

    One minute i think ive done good, then the next i think ive done bad.

    And i was ill for a long time last year, so the coursework i missed is really bad, because i haven't been taught the things that are needed for the coursework, ive had to teach myself. But becasue i was only ill for a few months, which was partly over the summer hols , i can't get a doctors note.

    Im confident in my History and Science, but thats it.

    Im so worried...

  14. Not really.  I already know what my results are.

    It looks to me that you will probably fail your GCSE spelling though.

  15. Extremely the point that I've had 5 nightmares so far...(3 in one night) and in one of them I got an R in something. I mean what IS that? I was fine till the beginning of this week. This week I've been constantly thinking about it 24-7 and wishing the days would hurry up! But it seems to be going slower than usual...ARGH!

  16. yes i am pretty d**n nervous but im sure i'll b alright i worked well and im happy with what i put it

  17. very i wasnt b4 but am now

  18. just anxious

  19. I'm fine actually ^^

    I know what' s done is done, and no matter how much I worry, it won't changeanything, so why worry?

    And I have a back-up plan incase everything DOES go wrong!

    I suggest you think one up on the quick aswell, it will help you prepare just incase you do have unexpected results (which I'm sure you havn't!) :D

    good luck!!!

  20. I wasn't nervous till the night before.

    I missed out two 20mark questions on the English Language exam but still got a C so I was very happy lol.

  21. I wasnt worried cos I thought I was ok and stuff, but now iv came on here and enetered it I am now cos im thinking bout it argg.

    Should be fine I was predicted good stuff just dont wanna do worse than expected otherwise might ruin uni for me..

    We'll see

  22. me! im so scared i actually feel sick =(

  23. OMG I'm so scarrrrrrrrreddddd

    i can't believe we have less than 24 hrs.........arghhhhhhhhhh

    I'm absolutely s******* myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I know won't be able to go to sleep tonight..........and i have to get to school by 9 to meet my friends!!!!

    Good Luck to you and everyone for 2moro!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :S

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