
Anyone else worried about stretch marks in second pregnancy?

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im on my second pregnancy and i got alot with my first. im so scared im gonna get a million more because i cant stop gaining weight! what are your guys experiences with your second pregnancy and stretch marks, or even if this is your first, what are you guys doing to prevent them?

i used cocoa butter in my first and it didnt work at all.

thanks guys




  1. I got enough in my first, I don't think my second will make that much difference

  2. My second baby is actually smaller than my first. So I guess I am lucky this time. I still have stretch marks though.

  3. stretch marks arent only prevented by what you do to prevent them. Its also genetic. It has to do with the elasticity of your skin. I gained 50lbs with my first, 35 with my second, and Im now 28weeks with #3, and have yet to get one. However, my mom didnt get them. I can see though where its nerve wrecking. I have a feeling with this one, I'll end up with a few...but probably wont notice until after she's born.

    Congrats on your baby by the way!!!  

  4. The only solution is to watch your weight gain.  If you gain too much weight you will have more stretch marks.  All those remedies are useless.

  5. real cocoa butter

  6. Use the REAL cocoa butter.

  7. I had no problem with either pregnancy. I was told by my obgyn that stretch marks are a result of gaining and losing weight too fast. If you eat healthy, and gain it gradually, you tend not to get as many if any at all. It is also a hereditary thing. If your mom, aunts, sister had em, you most likely will too. Also, if you eat a lot of fatty foods, it adds to them. I was more afraid of getting them when I had my kids, coz I lost all 50lbs within 1-2 months after their birth and I never exercised once. I just breastfed both of them and the weight melted off a day at a time. It may be a myth that cocoa butter prevents them, but it sure does help top keep your skins elasticity during and after pregnancy. I used it as well, and I didn't get any. My siiter however got them really bad. She ate whatever, and never used any creams, and she gained like 85 lbs. Her oldest is 9 now, and she has faded marks, but they used to be dark purple. Good luck with everything. I provided a couple links to help you out.

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