
Anyone entering 8th grade (esp. Horner Jr. high in fremont, CA) can give advice?

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Anyone here entering Horner jr. high school 8th grade in fremont, California or went there last year? Any other school? If you have, can you give me advice on what to expect in 8th grade, honors teachers and regular teachers, or anything else? I went to centerville in seventh, and just moved to irvington.

Not to be nerdy wanting to abide all the rules and stuff, I just would like to know what to expect like criteria or what we'll mostly learn or anything else, esp. in horner. Thanks to anyone answering!




  1. 8th grade was hella fun lol.i didnt go to the school you were talking about though. but i had all honors classes and it was a little difficult but if you work hard and complete your work on time then you should do fine.the kids at my school were real bad but i still had a lotta fun and my teachers were real kool and lenient about most things like turning thimgs in late and stuff. it was great though on the last day of school i couldnt stop crying, i broke down lol and im gonna miss it a lot.

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