
Anyone esle had this while being pregnant?

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My butt is breaking out in bumps only near the crack, I know sounds nasty, but I raise my 18 month old neice & she has "hand & foot". She also has been breakin out as you know that's what the "Hand & foot" virus do, but I'm just worried as to what I should put on it to clear it up?

Anyone esle had this while being pregnant?




  1. my best advice hun would be to see a dermatologist to find something safe and effective.

  2. sounds like bed bumps

  3. You know, I don't think it is hand and foot. I remember reading some other questions from moms on here about weird bumps on their backs/butts. It make be swimmers rash - have you been in the water lately? I am pretty sure it is "Hand and foot and mouth" disease so, if you had it you would have little ulcers in your mouth and fever too.

    Edit:If you are an RN, you would know that. Why are you pretending to be a nurse? Are you even pregnant?

  4. I have never had that or heard about it.  I would ask your OBGYN to look at it, and she may refer you to a fermatologist.  

  5. JFC

    I thought you were an RN...

    Nieces, Nephews

    Get the story straight.

    Quit lying

    Quit playing us just caus you're bored.

    You are no longer my friend!!!!

    You F'n ***** and liar!!!

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