
Anyone ever Tied a Ribbon round The Old Oak Tree?

by Guest10935  |  earlier

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  1. I saw one, about three weeks ago. I passed a house with a big oak at the entrance lane with a yellow ribbon tight onto it. I don't know why they did it, I assume to welcome somebody home. It was an emotional moment for me to see that there are still people keeping up old values.

    Location of the old three: Schoolstraat Bunsbeek Belgium

  2. ya for like this yellow ribbon week thing at my school

  3. Yes I have, for a few family members who were overseas at war ........ How did the yellow ribbon symbol become associated with the hostages? On the CBS broadcast of January 28, Penelope Laingen, wife of the U.S. Chargé d'Affaires in Tehran, Bruce Laingen, was shown outside her home in Bethesda, Maryland. "It just came to me," she said, "to give people something to do, rather than throw dog food at Iranians. I said, 'Why don't they tie a yellow ribbon around an old oak tree.' That's how it started."

    Mrs. Laingen's source of inspiration was a popular song by Irwin Levine and L. (Larry) Russell Brown, copyrighted in 1972 under the title "Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round the Ole Oak Tree." Recorded by some thirty different vocalists in the late 1970s, it sold millions of copies. The hit version was recorded by the popular vocal group Dawn featuring Tony Orlando. The song sketches the story of a convict riding the bus homeward after three years in prison. He tells the bus driver that he has written to his sweetheart asking her to tie a yellow ribbon on a roadside oak tree if she will have him back. The driver relates the story to other passengers and as the bus nears the tree everyone is on the edge of his seat. As the tree comes into view, the convict, unable to bear the sight should there be no ribbon in its branches, hides his eyes. Then a cheer goes up and he looks to see that, in fact, the tree is covered with yellow ribbons.

    Today, yellow ribbons around oak trees are used to symbolize many things including thoughts and prayers for hostages, soldiers overseas, and kidnapping victims ........ = )

  4. No I haven't but It brought tears to my eyes when I saw yellow ribbons on all the oak trees in the small town where I grew up. It was 1973 and I survived. Take a look at Tony Orlando if you don't know the song.

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