
Anyone ever adopted twins? Was it any different than a single adoption?

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Anyone ever adopted twins? Was it any different than a single adoption?




  1. We raised our biological twins.  And, and then adopted brothers who are not twins, but are very close in age,  just over a year apart.  The adopted boys behave very much like our bio children (the twins) did when they were small, with the same love/hate relationship we saw with our bio twins.  They play and giggle together, but then fight like tigers the next moment.

    Based on that experience, I can tell you that having your own and adopting them has all of the same challenges and benefits.

    Challenges - fighting, competitiveness, having to monitor/watch two toddlers at the same time, etc.

    Benefits - Always have a playmate, getting all of the same things over with at the same time (diapers, feeding, etc)

  2. is rewarding though....feels really great to adopt a child or children...but its a bit difficult inthe beginnig.  good luck

  3. I would imagine it would be twice the blessing and work but rewarding none the less. And yes it would be different to raising a single child. :)

  4. My twin sister and I were adopted at age 9.

    Years later we asked our parents [the people who raised us, not the woman who bore us] if they thought it was more or less difficult raising us because we were twins. They claimed that they always treated us as individuals so "twin-ness" was not an issue to them.

    From my standpoint, I think I relied on my sister a lot and so it took longer to transition from orphanage-think to family-think.

    Also, I had a family - my sister - and after 5 years or so I had more family, extremely nice parents and older brother and sister, and a sister-in-law who was totally wonderful in every way.

    Hope this helps

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