
Anyone ever been induced?

by  |  earlier

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I am 40.3 weeks along, and the doctor has scheduled me to check into the hospital on the 27th so be induced. She is planning on a 2 step process- 1st step being a Cervidil insert on Wednesday night, and the 2nd step will be pitocin on thursday. I wanted to be induced, but because this is my first pregnancy i am kinda scared. Is the pain of contractions caused by Pitocin extremely worse then normal contractions? I hope I go into labor naturally before Wednesday, but my cervix is not wanting to play along. I am only dilated to 1 cm and 30% effaced.

Thank you for any insight!




  1. I was induced with my first at 41 weeks becuase she did not want to come out, they hooked me up to everything and started me on pitocin i was dilated to 3cm in about 2 hours and then they gave me an epedural and i was in labor for a total for 17 hours i dont know if it was worse they just going into labor on your own since it was my first and im 37 weeks with #2 but it didnt bother me i was just so glad to have her good luck everything will be ok

  2. I was induced with my first at 42 weeks.

    The labor was soooo much worse after the pitocin, but it did help things along.  

    I had 36 hours of active labor and my baby was 9 lbs and 1 oz.

  3. Hi i was induced at 38 weeks with my third baby. The contractions are more painful so be mindful of that. I did however manage with just gas and air until almost to the end and then I had a pethidine injection. I refused to have an epidural although this may be something you consider as it is your first baby. best of luck

  4. I think you should just wait cause the pains of induced labor are MURDER!!!  They really hurt way more than reg. contractions and regular ones hurt like h**l already! Yes...epidurals are a blessing!

  5. Well, I've been induced and I've heard (and could tell by the lines on the monitor) that the contractions are much stronger, but I had an epidural both times and never really felt them, just the pressure.  So if you're planning on an epidural, than don't even worry, you'll be fine.  I was super sensative to pitocin, and it actually caused my babies (both times) to go into distress, but as soon as they stopped it I was fine.  Then they gave me a much smaller dose which helped.  So I would definitely make sure your dr/nurse only gives you small amounts and then builds up.  Sometimes they get in such a hurry, and it's not worth causing harm to the baby.

  6. ok, i was induced and the pains came quicker than any of my non induced labours but i wouldnt say it was more painful, maybe it varies

  7. With my 1st pregnancy i was induced the same way. 1st the cervadil then the pitocin. I have heard that the contractions are worse, but those were the only contractions i have felt so i cant really judge it. But Yes they were very painful.  I wished I had gone naturally but my little guy didnt want to come out on his own!! I ended up having a c-section.  Just keep walking around maybe you will trigger labor.

  8. i was induced cus my water broke 2 days before hand and nothin was happening. . . i found it to be a fine method had no problems

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