
Anyone ever been to HOBY?

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hey, i'm going to HOBY this weekend, and wondered if anyone has been, what you did and if you liked it? THANKS




  1. Hi!

    I'm a current high school senior and I went to HOBY during my sophomore year(I was selected by my guidance counselor to be my high school's ambassador). I was stationed at North Carolina State University.

    Upon arrival, we were broken up into groups based on "cereal brands" group was the Fruity My group was multicultural (I'm mixed-black and native american). Other people in my group were Chinese, East Indian, Middle Eastern, Italian, and Greek. My group included about 10-12 ambassadors.

    We had seminar lectures headed up by hispanic intellectuals and african intellectuals. For community service, I went to a place that tripled as a soup kitchen, a homeless shelter, and a rehabiliation center. My group and I prepared meals, fixed beds, and sorted clothes by their garmet size and type.

    We got to make little "group jingles" to make ourselves identifiable by our groups and on the final day, some ambassadors were selected to attend the HOBY World Conference in D.C. and our parents came to attend a banquet.

    The HOBY experience was really's something that I will cherish all of my life. I couldn't serve as a junior counselor for them last year because the dates coincided with my 8 week internship at Duke University. Hopefully, I can be a counselor over the summer this year. NC State has a beautiful campus. I applied and got in, but I'm attending UNC-Chapel Hill. I fell in love with the people there, the campus, and everything else....I attended Project Uplift's designed for minority students to recruit them to UNC-Chapel Hill...wonderful program, really.

    Good luck and have fun at HOBY this weekend! If you have any more questions, feel free to contact me!

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