
Anyone ever been to Santander, in Cantabria?

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Anyone ever been to Santander, in Cantabria?




  1. North of there I have been to , Biaritz area , it is nice in  the foothills of the Pyrenees .

  2. Yes! I've been there and throughout Cantabria too. It's quite nice and there they speak Castillian Spanish.

    The Cantabria region has nice, green mountains where you find wonderfully quaint villages, a few hillsides (left) covered in sheep or cows, some of the world's oldest cave drawings, and very nice hard-working people.

    The City is just okay, not particularly pretty. The beaches are quite nice, large, and hard to find enough space to lay out your blanket/towel in the summer when Santander City is a madhouse. The population explodes to probably more than 10-times its non-summer population. Summertime hotels are booked (already!), the beaches are crowed, the restaurant lines are long, the bars and terrazas are full.

    If you can go in the spring (now!) or autumn it'd be worth your wait - unless you want beach time. If so, there are other very nice beaches along the Cantabria coastline which are far less populated but you'd have to drive there and there are few (or none) hotels or restaurants either.

    Enjoy Santander!

    Saludos, BarcelonaMan(.com)

  3. Yep, it is great, enjoy!!

  4. yeah!! i have!! ( i think you asked a similar question a while ago but anyway). the bay is gorgeous there!! have u ever been? cos noone on here seems to have been!! anyway there are some great restaurants there but the weather isn't always nice. while you're there go to somo, by catching the ferry across the bay. the beach is lovely there and i'm sure you'll enjoy yourself!!

    hope this helped...


  5. Yes, it's lovely. Ferry docks in the middle of town, so if you go on a Brittany Ferries short cruise, you can walk across road and railway line to shops.

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