
Anyone ever been to a Wolf ranch ?

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  1. No, But I heard they make great pets since they are a pack animal. But if you get a wolf its important that you get another wolf or dog to accompany it since wolfs are HIGHLY pack animals and need another to keep them company. But thats only if you plan on not being at the house for most of the day like most Americans do because of 9-5 work day.

  2. No darling not in England lol

  3. No!

  4. Anyone who thinks just raising a wolf pup will give you a pet wolf: It does not work that way. Wolves, no matter how they are raised, do not instantly become domesticated. Wolves are naturally shy but also territorial, usually only bonding with one person or one family, they can be dangerous to anyone not "part of the pack". Wolves also test their pack leaders for dominance so a pet wolf who does not respect you can turn aggressive on you even if you raised it. Wolves require a lot of work to properly raise and house and keep healthy. They are susceptible to all canine diseases but most vets will not work with them. In the US at least, we have problems with captive wolf breeding for the pet trade. Inevitably people who buy them discover how difficult they are to keep and abandon them and the typical breeding mill is effectively a death camp for the wolves. Wolves not raised in the wild can not be returned to the wild so other than living in wild animal rescue reservations, they have to be killed. Wolves are not pets and trying to make them into pets is an abominable act of destructive ignorance. Finally, crossbreeding a wolf with a dog does not magically create a domesticated animal, you still can get all of the problems associated with a full blooded wolf. Just don't do it and don't support it.

    The process of domestication does not happen over night. Dogs were bred from wolves over thousands of generations. There is no such thing as a domesticated wolf and a tame wolf is simply an animal that has learned to tolerate certain humans.

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