
Anyone ever been to a horse camp?

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Im thinking about going to a one week horsemanship camp, but I wanna know what horsecamp was like for YOU.

Im mainly worry about my laundry and my hair. Cuz I usualy shower everyday but if I cant use a blow-dryer or flat iron then my hair seems like a mess. xD But I really wanna go.




  1. I started going to horse camp when I was 7.  I just spent a week, but every summer I spent more time there until I was staying for the whole summer.  Then I ended up working there until I was 18.  It was great.  Some of my best memories are from camp, and I still keep in touch with friends I made there.  Sometimes I still wish I could go back...

    Everyone at camp is equally dirty so don't worry too much.  It seemed to me like most girls worried about their hair and stuff for about half a day and then forgot about it because camp was so much fun.

    Most camps have showers, and in fact we REQUIRED our campers to shower daily because we knew how dirty and smelly they got!

    As for laundry, you shouldn't have to do laundry for just a week of camp.  You can wear your jeans more than once, and other than that you should be able to bring plenty of shirts to keep you going for the week.

  2. i go to forrestel, and i love it.

    there is a horsemanship program where you can ride twice a day. you can also choose stable management as your other activity, but there are plenty of other activites.

    there are two one week sessions. the first one starts this sunday, and the second is at the beginning of august.

    the first one is coed, but the boys are all under 10, and the second one is only girls. so neither you have to worry about your hair. you can shower everyday, there are showers, lol.

    its realllly realllly fun, the first year i went i LOVED it. its great because you get to ride a lot even if you're only there for one week, and people don't judge you. like the first year i went i had blue glasses [dork] but i still made tons of friends. it was amazing. you dont have to worry about how you look, you can just concentrate on riding and having fun.

    i would definitely suggest you check out my camp. if you dont live in new york, you can fly me!

    good luck! x*x

    email me if you have any questions on my camp.

  3. most girls i roomed with took their hair stuff with them, and there was always enough time to do their hair.

    i went to a few different ones over the years, and all had they're good and not so good points. it's really what you make of it in the end.  i'm sure if you go you'll have a blast. (sides the other reason for hemlets is to cover up that bad hair day, lol..jk)

  4. i went to one and it had showers but who cares you are there to ride and have fun so w/e dont worry about your hair.

  5. I just got back from a horse camp.  There were no showers either.  I usually take one everyday too.  But, so did everyone else.  However, I still did manage to take a bath.  How do you ask?  By using the water hose you use to rinse off a horse.  Have a friend help u too and do it in a bathing suit.  There were about 100 girls there and most were always used to blow dryers and all.  However, I am too.  But Most people just let there hair dry and put it up in a pony tail.

    I still lovced the camp so much.  It was an awsome experience and I made lots of new friends

  6. as for your hair i would first make sure what the facilities are like and see if they have electricity for all your hair dryers and flat irons. And for the clothes just bring enough clothes for every day your going to be there

  7. horse camp is soooo fun!!!

    you have to go!!!

    so what if your hair is messy... i'm not sure your horse is gonna care!!

    I go on  horse camps every year coz i just love it!!!

    once we played apple bobbing and my friend poured the bucket of water all over me so i was all wet and my saddle and helmet got wet too!!!

    but it was worth it!!

    I went once camping with some other friends in the pines, and my pop told ghost stories and my friend got him back BIG!!! lol

    but galloping through the pines was definatly the best thing ever!!

    YOU MUST GO ON HORSE CAMP!!! it beats everything else you'll ever do!!!

  8. Forget you hair. Horse camps are a stink place. But you will have the time of your life. You are not going there to get a date. You are going there to learn and have fun.

  9. haha...I think if you want ot go to horse camp that your hair should be your last concern...can you imagine the look on everyone else's face if you brought a blowdryer and curling iron to camp? lol I mean no offense of course I'm not saying that nobody who horse back rides doesn't take special attention to their presentation and look but horse camps normally run on a schedule to rise early in order to get the feel for real horse care at the barn.  This will be mucking stalls and nobody will look like a beauty queen, and i'm assuming the camp you are going to will be mostly girls since it is overnight, and so you have nobody to impress.

    Moving on, horse camp is a wonderful expereince that will teach you all about horse care and riding in a fun way surrounded by a bunch of horse crazy people whom you can get to know realy well and gain friendships with.  It's hard work at times and also gives you a chance to relax at other times of the day.  At the horse camp I went to, we got a lesson every day in the morning, and everyday had a showmanship or nutrition etc.  We would have people come in from Nutrena and other big barns to tell us all about their expertise areas.  We really learned alot...and we took lots of pictures!! I hope you go and have lots of fun while learning all about horses!

  10. A (horse camp)?  wwhhaatt eevveerr

  11. I have a little sister...

    She goes to her local 4H club. She has access to showers but doesnt because they are FILTHY. (i go sometimes with her, incase her game horse is acting like a nut). in that case i bring duke as a horse she can ride as a backup.

    Dont worry about your hair, your not there to meet boys! your there to ride. I know i went to camp once when i was a kid and i had a blast. It wasnt horse camp but my sister still goes to camp and she loves it.

    go, you wont regret it.

  12. I go to a horse camp every summer for a week or two.. This will be my 4th year going and I love it! I was a little worried about going too, for a couple of reasons. I have always wanted to impress boys so I didn't want to walk around them smelling or looking bad.. but I got over it once I got there. About your laundry.. Just bring a lot of clothes and I realized I only needed like 3 pairs of jeans for a whole week.. ( I know EWWWWW!!!!! ) You should go though it is a blast! You just can't be afraid of getting really dirty and a little sweaty!! :D

  13. yes. I help with it! It is a great experience!

  14. Don't worry about your laundry or hair, just have your hair up and bring clothes for every day, or be nasty. It doesn't matter.

    I have been to a few horse camps and I liked all of them alot. It is well worth the experience.

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