
Anyone ever been to the kentucky derby???

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i want to go...i heard it was really fun...anyone ever been??




  1. I would go to the Derby myself if I could get tickets- but they are incredibly expensive and hard to come by. I also find the trashy behavior that goes on in Churchill Down's infield on Derby day to be a major turn off. There is a lot of drinking, lewd behavior, and yes, even crimminal activity that takes place there on that day ( lots of drug deals get made there !!) and I find this to be very repulsive. No other track in the country allows this c**p to go on- the infields at most of the other major tracks are closed to the public most of the time, with the exception of Pimlico in Baltimore. Pimlico's paddock is located in the infield, and that alone precludes the kind of nonsense we see every year at Churchill. If you go to the Derby,stay out of the infield and make sure that you are with your parents. ( By the way, you need to be aware that many tracks will not admit kids under a certain age because of the drinking and gambling that takes place at them- that's not really fair to racing's younger fans, but because this sport is viewed as an adult occupation and pastime, that is the way it is.  I would check with the track's website before you leave to travel to Louisville, just to make sure that you can get in . A word to the wise. )

  2. No:(

    But next year in the 134 running of the Derby, my family is planning to go. Only we need the money and tickets because they are so hard to get. I heard it is very expensive so if you want to go start saving! (for next year)


    R.I.P. Barbaro!♥

  3. I've been to all three triple crown races, the derby is a great party ,but the race has to many horses that don't belong. for my money the best race is the preakness, generally a good size field, and a great party too. the belmont is not as much fun, but is really the test of a champion. go to all 3 if you can but if not history says the derby.

  4. I've been several times. I strongly suggest you go. It's the most fun you'll ever have with your clothes on. It's more of a spectacle/event than a "day at the races" though. If you're a serious racing fan, and want an unforgettable "day at the races", I would suggest catching a Breeders Cup day sometime.

  5. I woudl love to go, it looks to me like it would be so much fun.

  6. Yes, I work before the Derby and of course I go. Depending on what you are looking for, it's the greatest 2 minutes in sports!

    There are people there for the party, there are people there who are solely there to "be seen", and then there are the race fans. The infield is for the party goers, by the way.

  7. Nope, But i'm hopin i can go next year!!

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