
Anyone ever bitten by a jumping spider?

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I wondered i don't even feel painful after bitten by spider, well maybe not bitten, i approach it with my hands so that they can climb on my hands, but this evening, there's a jumping spider doesn't want to climb on me, but it run towards my hand and doing something after that ran away quickly, is it bite me ? it has been several times but nothing happened, anyway can somebody who have bitten by jumping spider, tell me how is it feel like, serious answer! Is it more painful or less painful than an ANT bite?




  1. No ive never been bitten by a jumping spider. ive been stung by a red imported fire ant.The sting of the RIFA possesses venom of an alkaloid nature, which exhibits potent necrotoxic activity. Approximately 95% of the venom is composed of these alkaloids, which are responsible for both the pain and white pustule that appears approximately one day after the sting occurs. The remainder of the venom contains an aqueous solution of proteins, peptides, and other small molecules that produce the allergic reaction in hypersensitive individuals. Worker fire ants will attach to the skin using their mandibles and will subsequently lower the tip of the gaster to inject the stinger into the victim. Thus, fire ants both bite and sting, but only the sting is responsible for the pain and pustule.

  2. Don't worry about Jumping Spiders.  I have photographed many of them throughout the world, and they are completely harmless.  If one did bite you, you wouldn't feel a thing.  In reality, they are sweet, gentle, little spiders that are curious, inquisitive creatures interested in nothing more than flowers and jumping on unsuspecting bugs.  Many of them do a cute little mating dance with their legs waving in the air, etc.

    If you really "examine" them under a magnifying glass or through a Macro lens,  you will find that many of them are very beautiful with bright colors and furry little bodies.  The ones in the tropics of  South America and Papua New Guinea are extremely beautiful animals and are lots of fun to photograph.

  3. Yes.  Had one get in my hat.  Put the hat on, felt something and reacted by trying to squish it.  It stung me.  Very little pain with the sting.  It was more like an annoying bug bite that takes a couple days to clear up.  You know tick or mosquito kinda thing.  I spend a lot of time outdoors.  Get insect and bug bites all the time.  I get worse stings from plants.

  4. I can't say I have  been bitten by a jumping spider.  I think years ago I was bitten by a 3" fishing spider while boating and draging my hand in the water, which just stung and left a little bump for a couple days.

    I have heard bite reports of jumping spiders though, and the effect depends on the species. The reports are mostly from spiders of the Phidippus genus, which have been described to be painful, but without lasting effects.

    "Phidippus audax can occasionally bite, usually producing a short-lived, but very painful, reaction."


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