
Anyone ever boarded their horse overnight at the Chicamauga battle fields in GA?

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My friends and I are wanting to go on an overnight trip to the battlefields in Chicamauaga, GA. We need some info on the overnight boarding facilities before we will commit, though. Can anyone recommend a good place to board our horses overnight there?




  1. Last time I checked, Chickamaugua was in Tennessee, NOT Georgia. Considering that my great great grandfather FOUGHT in that battle, ( on the Union side) and my grandmother still remembers him, then I think she must be right when she says it's in TN.  As for overnight stabling, I think you can go online and get information about places nationwide which provide boarding and overnight stabling options. There is one directory I am familar with called "The Nationwide Overnight Stabling Directory" but I am not sure who publishes it, or I would give you the address. I have seen ads for it in the Chronicle of the Horse Magazine, though, so I know that it exists. Perhaps you can go to the Chronicle's website and get information from them.

    Good luck in your search.


    Links to stables in the area.

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