
Anyone ever conceive by BDing 3-4 days before ovulation or 1-2 days after?

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My cycle last month was a little irregular so I didn't know exactly when I was going to ovulate. It's pretty clear now since my BBT has been over the coverline for 8 days now. But my husband and I BD'ed 3-4 days before ovulation and then the two days following. I'm not getting my hopes up but wondering if anyone else did the same and managed to conceive?




  1. I did 4 days before ovulation. Tested on day af was due and got bfp!! Hopefully you'll get the same result

  2. I Bd'ed on cd10 through to cd 16 and fell pregnant it just depends on when you ovulated which you did say you wasn't sure because you were a little irregular try this website.I think it's great if you know how long your cycle is then this will help you it even tells you when you could take a HPT if you did concieve good luck.

  3. Sperm can live in your body for up to 5 days (depending on your body and how strong your hubby's sperm is) so you could have concieved with having s*x 3-4 days before O.

    It is also possible to concieve having s*x 1-2 days after O ( depending on how you determined O, if with ovulation tests, then they give you a idea of ovulation estimation of about 12-48 hours after a positive test) a little more unlikely but possible,  as it's impossible to tell how your body reacts no one could say for certain if this has happened.

    Hoping that you have a positive test asap!  Babydust

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