
Anyone ever done a beer bong/funnel?

by Guest55613  |  earlier

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I've done it a couple times, but I can never seem to let it slide down my throat as others let it. I always gulp it, and if i try to let it slide i gag and waste the whole beer(s), splashing it everywhere. Any suggestions or recommendations? Preferably experienced peoples opinions please. Thanks =]




  1. sounds like fun to me.. just gulp it down and tilt your head back too .

  2. It helpsif you get on yer knees so you can tilt your head straight just have to look past the homo-eroticism lol

  3. I can chug a beer really fast, you just have to relax and let it flow down your throat, like dont stop it.  I've never done an actual beer bong though, I didnt want it to end up spilling all over me.  I did see a guy do it in like one gulp tho, it was insane.

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