
Anyone ever gotten ths kind of letter?

by  |  earlier

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Ever get one of those letters where they claim you can make hundreds of thousands of dollars by sending copies of the same letters to a mailing list, and they send you $1 for you to add them to your mailing list?

I know this is a complete scam, and already know how the scam works, buy anyone tried it and made $$$?




  1. its called a chain letter, i dont think u should worry, but if u want take a chance and do what it sais.

  2. i my self got one just today i read it but no im not wasting my money

  3. Actually they are called Pyramid letters and they are illegal. it is called Mail Fraud. Usally the one who sends you some money is probally the Federal athorities and will supprise you when you recieve it.

  4. I got this in the mail too and felt bad for the woman who sent it so I sent her a dollar.If 1000 people thought like me hopefully she got her investment back.

  5. Yes, its a scam. If it worked, wouldnt we all be doing it by now? Dont try it, its just a waste of time. Like chain mail.

  6. i tried that once, but i only got $1

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