
Anyone ever had a buzzing feeling/sensation in there head?

by  |  earlier

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It's been going on for about 2 weeks now. I went to the doctor who really couldn't tell me. He said dizziness could be alot of things. I tried to explain its not really dizzy like the room is's more like someone is putting an electrical toothbrush to my forehead. Anyone know what this could be or experienced it? They took a blood test for anemic which came back negative. It's nothing painful, but very annoying because it happeds every couple of minutes.




  1. Do you mean like a muscle contraction?

    I've been having those like mad for as long as I can remember XD

    Sleep deprivation and stress are the causes... (not that I pay any attention whatsoever to those).

  2. Are you under any stress because I've been having something similar and the doctor told me she thought it was down to stress/anxiety, but I'm going back to get some tests done.

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