
Anyone ever had a missed miscarriage and got pregnant again without knowing you ever miscarried?

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I went in Tuesday for my 12 week u/s and was told the embryo is only measuring 5 weeks. There are two yolk sacs (twins), but because they are only measuring 5 weeks they can't be sure it is a viable pregnancy. They think either the baby stopped growing at 5 weeks, or I miscarried and got prego again and I am now 5 weeks pregnant with the second pregnancy. Just wondering if anyone has ever experienced this? I am going in 2 weeks for a follow-up u/s to see if a heartbeat has developed.




  1. No I never experienced this and never heard this before but Good Luck and Gongrats in your pregnancy.

  2. My mother did that with me.

    I wouldn't worry about it. Just enjoy the fact that you have twins on the way :)

    EDIT: They thought she was 5 months pregnant. Then went in and I measured 3 months. I was then born 3 weeks late. So they were never sure what happened. My mom had a few m/c before she had me. I am married now and hoping that I have an easier time then she did *crosses fingers*

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