
Anyone ever had a pair of headphones go out on only one side? Do you think it's a scam?

by  |  earlier

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Again, for probably the ninth time, a pair of headphones that I've only had for a few months has already gone out on one side. It seems every pair that I get (around $15-$20) always lasts a few months then the sound stops in one headphone.

I always see the "your headphones shorted out, get a new pair" answer when this happens to other people and I can't help but think it's a scam by the Headphone companies. It seems like every pair that I get, they last for the same amount of time and then one goes flat.

With the advanced technology that we have today, wouldn't it be easily possible to make a longer lasting headphone? It seems like there is a timer for how long headphones are supposed to last before you have to buy another one.

Could this be a ploy from the headphone companies to keep their products selling? It's madness!




  1. I've had the same problem with several of mine. I tried to repair one set, but the wires are so fine, it's nearly impossible. I think the wires are just so fragile, you have to be super careful with them, so the wire doesn't break inside the insulation. I usually wind mine around my MP3 but I try not to wind them too tightly.

    Is it a ploy.... who knows? As unethical as many companies are any more, it wouldn't surprise me.  

  2. The other answer is getting near the truth.  The wires in a cheap set of headphones are very fine.  They break very easily.  If you are careful with how you handle them you can extend the life many times.  Don't jerk them off your head by the wires.  Grip each earpiece and remove them with some care.  Don't wind up the wires in a tight twist.  Coil them in a more open loop.  Doing things like this will make them last a surprisingly long time.  



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