
Anyone ever had any experiencew with the dead communicating by phone.?

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My sister's husband passed over 2 years ago, she had her first date with a man Tuesday night, well her first date she thought would transpire into anything. When she came home, the phone rang, no one was there. The phone rang again, no one, she got this eery feeling both times when she picked up the phone. It was like he was giving her a signal that he knows that she went out, but he wasn't upset.

My mother-in-law died when my kids were very young. She died suddenly of a heart attack. She loved my kids, always wanting to see them. Well 2 weeks after she died, I had this real vivid dream. I drempt that I was sleeping , the phone rang, I woke up and went down stairs to answer it. It was my mother in law. I said to her, "Betty, you are dead". She said "I know, I was just wondering how the kids were". The dream was so vivid. Nothing was mixed up and out of order like other dreams. I think she was i

Just wondered if anyone else any kind of experiences with the telephone and the dead.




  1. my husbands mother got a message on her answering machine from her late mother

  2. I have not experienced this but I am aware of a book that you might find interesting.

    It is called "Phone Calls from the Dead" despite Amazon misspelling it by D. Scott Rogo and Raymond Bayless

  3. As you probably have experienced, in the past 5 years telemarketing has become completely automated. They seldom have live people call anymore, they just have recordings.

    They also have a device now to ensure that the phone doesnt just keep ringing and confuse the computer making the calls. This device called 10 people and connects to the first one that answers. It hangs up on the rest.

    My guess is that these phone calls were telemarketers, and you were one of the 9 people who got hung up on.

    In the second part, you experienced a dream. Dreams are just that, dreams.

    Nothing paranormal happened, unless you want to pretend that it was. But pretending doesnt make it real. Reguardless of your religious beliefs, the dead and living can not communicate. Believing or pretending that they can will not make it happen.

    edit: by the way, AM is lying without question.

  4. I get calls daily from the brain dead.  Does that count?

    Seriously, your sister received two calls with no one there.  It's likely those two calls came from the same person/place.  Any number of people could have placed those calls.  It could be telemarketers, wrong number or even the guy she just went out on the date with.  It's possible that what happened here was she felt guilty for going out on the date and she needs closure from her marriage, so she interpreted the calls she received as coming from her deceased husband.  After all, he was no doubt in her mind when she went on this date, right?

    In your second example, you just had a dream of someone that was in your life.  There's nothing paranormal about dreaming about your family, alive or dead.

  5. I understand that Jerry Garcia used the phone from time to time.

  6. From research a friend is currently compiling the possibilty is there. Although it would be more likely on a cell phone frequency, he claims that an electro-static field exists from time to time that somehow announces the presence of another plane/dimension. He also explained that the flickering of a newly replaced lightbulb is said to be on the same frequency as common occurances related to ghost/paranormal experiences.

  7. everyday

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