
Anyone ever have any type of lung <span title="Injury????????????????????">Injury???????????????????...</span> If so how long was the recovery time?????????????

by  |  earlier

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I was in a car accident, which left a hole in my lung. I want to know if anybody has ever had to deal with something like this, and how long the recovery took because I would love to be running again soon.




  1. you can get some *** with that story

  2. I had a spontaneous pnuemothorax in 1994.  I was back running in about 40 days from the date of the event.  I was cautioned against it by my Doctor but I started out power walking and gradually moved up to running over the period of 2 weeks.  I was scared about running, because I had just finished running when my lung collapsed.  I&#039;m fine today though, so I guess it worked. :)

  3. well i knew anna who deepthroated too deep and it damaged her lung recovery was 3 months

  4. omg

  5. well my father was in a Car accident and fell off his quad and collapsed a lung. after 4 days in the hospital he went home in a lot of pain and slept for longs hours but the four days after he could laugh and breathe somewhat normally its been about a month and he is still not fully recovered. also his job involves heavy lifting which cant help his case

  6. I&#039;m sorry hon.

    That sucks. :[

    Hope you get better!

  7. My hubby had upper lobe removed and they did it lapriscopically with 5 incisions and it took him over a month.

  8. Cantsingitis. It lasted my whole life ( and its not supposed to get btr)

    I&#039;m sooo sorry about your lungs =(.

    answer mine:

  9. i don&#039;t know but omgosh.

    i feel so sorry for you,

    get well sooN!

  10. my right lung spontaniously collapsed when i was 18. it then collapsed again 4 months later and i was operated on. they removed a tiny portion of my lung that had a bleb, or weak spot. i was cut open 7 inches and had my ribs spread apart to expose my lung in the operation. it hurt terribly for a month as i was bed ridden. then it took a year or two before the severe pain went away. im fine now, and im 44. but i still feel where they operated on my lung, and sometimes i feel short of breath. my great uncle had a similar operation 30 years before i did and he lived to be almost 90 years old without nay problems. he never complained about it. not fun though i can tell you that.

  11. how does that happen i don&#039;t have a lung injury but i do get broncidice when there are fires

  12. no, sorry i never have, but , i hope that you feel better soon!  

  13. Deeper injuries can take longer, but I&#039;ll give you this advice. Follow your doctor&#039;s instructions, and never give up.  Stay in shape by taking walks (if that doesn&#039;t cause you pain, and it&#039;s OK with your doctor).  

    It doesn&#039;t seem like much, but it does a lot--staying active will make it easier to start running again when you are healed.

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