
Anyone ever have issues with the samsung glide as far as messaging is concerned...?

by  |  earlier

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Ive had the glide for about two weeks and I get instant alerts from aol concerning stocks and weather. However whenever I get those messages and try to open them the phone restarts somtimes (rarely) but somtimes it restarts when I get messages from other people aswell Any ideas whats going on?




  1. I would MENTION it to the company and this way they are aware of a potential problem and then if it keeps up to the point that it is ANNOYING - Then DO NOT put up with it, you paid TOO MUCH for a GOOD phone!!

    This does not sound like normal, but one thing i thought of, THE BATTERY...was it a new one when you got the phone? i would get a new one.  Who knows what the shelf life for them are .

    I hope this helps, but PUT in a report... I hope you bought the insurance... good luck hope you like the phone, or How do you like it?

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